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RECLAIM Executive Order
Emissions Mitigation Program

On January 17, 2001, Governor Gray Davis proclaimed a State of Emergency in response to the imminent threat of widespread and prolonged disruption of electrical power.  In response, the AQMD Executive Officer, on February 6, 2001, executed the RECLAIM Executive Order (EO) Mitigation Program under Rule 118 Executive Orders #01-03 and #01-04 for NOx and CO emissions mitigation.  As part of the executive order, mitigation fees for emissions in excess of RECLAIM allocations from RECLAIM-power producing facilities having the capacity to produce 50 MW or more, would be paid to the AQMD. These funds would then be used to mitigate the excess power plant emissions.

Under the RECLAIM EO program, marine vessel engine re-powering, agricultural pump electrification, and conversion of diesel powered heavy duty trucks to CNG are being implemented.  The implementation of these projects will generate NOx emission reduction credits that will be used to offset emissions from power plants.

The above emissions reduction credits are generated using the following pilot generation rules:  Rule 1631, Pilot Credit Generation Program for Marine Vessels; Rule 1612.1, Mobile Source Credit Generation Pilot Program (Class 7/8 CNG trucks); Rule 2507, Pilot Credit Generation Program for Agricultural Pumps.

The Board approved projects, funding amounts, and the expected NOx emission reductions are presented in Table 1.

Table 1


Project Type



Estimated Annual NOx Reduction


Marine Vessels



Class 7/8 CNG Trucks



Agricultural Pumps




The details on the above Board approved projects are listed in the Board letters in Table 2.

Table 2





February 7, 2003
Agenda #5

Execute Contracts for FY 2001-02 Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program and Executive Officer’s Mitigation Program

September 13, 2002
Agenda #8

Reauthorize Funding From AES Settlement to Fund Emissions Mitigation Projects and Transfer Marine Vessel Projects from RECLAIM AQIP to the RECLAIM Executive Order Mitigation Account

August 2, 2002
Agenda #5

Amend Contracts to Substitute Marine Vessel Projects Under the Pre-Funded RECLAIM AQIP and RECLAIM Executive Order Emissions Mitigation Programs; and Execute Contracts to Re-power Diesel-Fueled Agricultural Pumps

April 5, 2002
Agenda #11

Execute Contracts to Fund Marine Vessel Projects under RECLAIM Executive Order Mitigation Program

July 20, 2001
Agenda #11

Modify Marine Vessel Contract Awards and Allocate Funds to Source Test, Acquire Global Positioning Systems, and Secure Letters of Credit for Marine Vessels Under Pre-Funded RECLAIM AQIP and Rule 118 Executive Order Programs

April 20, 2001
Agenda #6

Execute Contracts to Fund Marine Vessel Repower Projects under AES Settlement Allocation for AQIP and Establish the AES Settlement Projects Fund

For additional information about this program, see Staff Contacts


This page updated: August 13, 2004