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Compliance Training Class:
Rule 1110.2 Portable Analyzer Training & Certification


South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) Rule 1110.2 (f)(1)(G) requires the portable analyzer tests required by the Inspection and Monitoring Plan (I&M) requirements of subparagraph (f)(1)(D) be conducted by a person who has completed an appropriate District-approved training program in the operation of portable analyzers and has received a certification issued by the District.

This half-day class provides the necessary training and certification necessary to conduct the portable analyzer tests required under Rule 1110.2.

All attendees successfully completing the training class will receive a certificate of completion.  


  • Pre-registration is required to attend this training; no walk-in registrations.
  • This training is provided at no cost.
  • To register, call toll free  (909) 396-2995 or email  and provide the following information for each attendee: name, phone number, and the date of the training class requested.  A staff member will call you back confirming your registration.

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