Online Fee Calculator
Cleaning the air that we breathe...
Welcome to the AQMD's Internet CaFe! The Internet CaFe will determine and calculate your equipment permit fees by guiding you through the permit process. To get started, fill in the information below and click on the Next button to proceed to the next section.

Disclaimer: The Online Fee Calculator provides you information on the permit processing fees based on the type(s) of equipment selected, type of permit requested, and other information you provided. However, the fees required may be different as determined by the permit processing engineer pre-screening your application(s). You will be notified if additional permit processing fees are due for this application(s).
General Information
               Application Type
  Select an appropriate application type for fee calculation.
  Other types of applications:
               Facility Type
  Indicate whether the facility belongs to Title V and/or RECLAIM. Check both if applicable.
               Small Business Determination (Optional)
  The information collected in this section is optional and will be used to determine if the facility is subject to application processing fee discount and/or waiver of higher fees.
  Select the main operation conducted at the facility:

  Number of Employees:    Gross Annual Revenue: 
  Has this facility ever filed for an AQMD permit?:     
               Business Name, Address and ID (Optional)
  The information collected in this section will be used only for the printout of fee sheet.
  Business Name of Operator:
  Equipment Location Address:
  Facility ID: