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Office of the Chief Information Officer
Blue, with a white star. Department of Energy logo. Words Competitive Sourcing and PMA, which stands for the President's Management Agenda.

Competitive Sourcing

This site contains general information on the A-76 process. Some of the material is specific to the Defense Department or other federal agencies and would not necessarily apply to the Department of Energy. Such material is being provided for information purposes only. If you have any questions concerning a particular document's applicability, please contact DOE's Competitive Sourcing/A-76 Office at (202) 287-1826

Announcement of DOE Competitive Sourcing Initiative

NEW  Plans for Commercial Services Management

NEW  FAIR Act Inventory

NEW  DOE Competitive Sourcing Program Status

Post-Competition Accountability Guidance / Training

DOE Report on Competitive Sourcing Results

OMB Report on Competitive Sourcing Results

A-76 Post-Award Validation and Verification Review

Other Articles and Papers

Determining a Level Playing Field for Public-Private Competition by Lawrence L. Martin

Townhall Meetings


Additional Reports



April 20, 2004 - Minutes

June 5, 2003 - Minutes

October 30, 2002 - Minutes Status Report

June 17, 2002 - Minutes

 Policy / Guidance
Operating Guidelines

 OMB Circular A-76

Revised A-76 OMB Circular - Federal Register

New Competition Offiicials Roles & Responsibilities

DOE Comments on Revised Circular

Comments Transmittal Memo

Other Comments Received by OMB

 Office of Personnel Management
OPM: Reduction in Force Frequently Asked Questions

OPM: The Employees Guide to Reduction in Force (RIF)

Employee's Guide to Benefits for Those Affected By RIF

 Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP)
Acquisition Reform Network Library 

Qs & As from March 2002

Qs & As from August 2002

Qs & As Posed to Financial Services (Sept 2002)

  Related Links

Link: The White House Link: USA.gov Link: E-gov Link: Information Quality (IQ) Link: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
U.S. Department of Energy | 1000 Independence Ave., SW | Washington, DC 20585
1-800-dial-DOE | f/202-586-4403