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SLR Related Publications for 1998

Al-Ghamdi, A.A., "SALRO System Upgrades and Future Plan", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 92, 1998.

Andersen, P.H., Aksnes, K., Skonnord, H., "Precise ERS-2 orbit determination using SLR, PRARE and RA observations", Journ. of Geod, Vol. 72, No. 7/8, pp. 421-429, 1998.

Appleby, G.M., "Long-Arc analyses of SLR Observations of the Etalon Geodetic Satellites", Journal of Geodesy, Vol. 72, Issue 6, pp. 333-342, 1998.

Artyukh, Y., Bespalko, V., Lapushka, K., Rybakov, A. and Vedin, V., "Selective Time Interval Counter for SLR Applications", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 510, 1998.

Bartoszak, J., Butkiewicz, E.and Schillak, S., "Status Report on the Borowiec SLR 1997-1998", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 97, 1998.

Baryshnikov, M.B., Burmistrov, V.B., Shargorodsky, V.D. and Vasiliev, V.P., "New Russian SLR Station near Moscow: Purpose and Design Features", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 157, 1998.

Baustert, G. and K�nig, R., "Low Flyer Acquisition Data: Some Strategies and Problems", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 549, 1998.

Bianco, G., Devoti, R., Fermi, M., Luceri, V., Rutigliano, P. and Sciarretta, C., "A contribution in the estimation of tectonic motion in crucial areas: the CGS96 SLR solution", Tectonophysics 294, pp. 225-236, 1998.

Bianco, G., Devoti, R., Fermi, M., Luceri, V., Rutigliano, P. and Sciarretta, C., "Estimation of Low Degree Geopotential Coefficients using SLR Data", Planet. Space Sci., Vol. 46, Issue 11/12, pp. 1633-1638, 1998.

Bianco, G., Selden, M., Bieneman, M., Clarke, C., Heinick, M., McClure, D., Moon, D., Nallappa, B., Oldham, T., Sala, R., Steggerda, C. and Stringfellow, R., "Two-Color Ranging Upgrade for the MLRO System", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 346, 1998.

Bianco, G., Selden, M., Bieneman, M., Clarke, C., McClure, D., Moon, D., Nallappa, B., Oldham, T., Sala, R., Stringfellow, R., Heinick, M., Stevens, P. and Steggerda, C., "MLRO System Progress Report", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 438, 1998.

Bock, O., Kasser, M. and Thom, C., "First aircraft experiment with the WA-ALRS", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 761, 1998.

Boer, A. and Hessels, U., "Two Color Laser Ranging with the TIGO SLR System Status and First Results", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 353, 1998.

Burmistrov, V.B., Parkhomenko, N.N., Pliev, L.F., Shargorodsky, V.D., Soyuzova, N.M. and Vasiliev, V.P., "The WESTPAC Satellite: Design Features and First Results of Return Signal Analysis", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 297, 1998.

Burmistrov, V.B., Pliev, L.F., Shargorodsky, V.D. and Vasiliev, V.P., "Retroreflector Array on Board of the ZEYA Satellite: Design Features and Observation Results", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 320, 1998.

Buzelis, R., Kosenko, J., Murauskas, E. and Lapushka, K., "Q-Switched SBS-Compressed ND:YAG Laser for Satellite Ranging", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 476, 1998.

Cech, M., Hamal, K., Jelinkova, H., Novotny, A., Prochazka, I., Helali, Y.E. and Tawadros, M. Y., "Upgrading of the Helwan Laser Station (1997-98)", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 197, 1998.

Chapront, J., Chapront-Touzé, M., Francou, G., "Raccordement de repères dynamiques au repère céleste de l'IERS", Conceptual, conventional and practical studies related to Earth rotation, Journées 1998 - systèmes de références spatio-temporels, N. Capitaine (eds.), Paris, September 21-23, 1998.

Cheek, J., Mallama, A., Ton, N. and McGarry, J., "SLR2000 Pseudo Operator Computer (POP)", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 555, 1998.

Conklin, B., Mann, A., Sadeghighassami, M. and McGarry, J., "SLR2000 Data Analysis Computer (DAN)", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 564, 1998.

Davis, M.A., Gilbreath, G.C., Rolsma, P., Georges, J., Snyder, G. and Eichinger, R., "NRL@SOR SLR Observation Verification Techniques Using LAGEOS", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 232, 1998.

Degnan, J.J. and McGarry, J.F., "SLR2000: A Microlaser-based Single Photoelectron Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) System", Late Paper, presented at 19th International Laser Radar Conference, Annapolis, MD, July 6-10, 1998.

Degnan, J.J., "An Introduction to Subcentimeter Satellite Laser Ranging: Hardware and Applications", Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, pp 256 -256, 1998.

Degnan, J.J., "SLR2000 Project: Engineering Overview and Status", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 389, 1998.

Degnan, J.J., Coyle, D.B., and Kay, R.B., "Effects of Thermalization on Q-switched Laser Properties", IEEE J. Quantum Electronics, Vol. 34, pp. 887-899, May, 1998.

Degnan, J.J., McGarry, J., Dabney, P., Zagwodzki, T., Tierney, M., and Weatherly, M., "Design and Test of a Breadboard Interplanetary Laser Transponder", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 716, 1998.

Degnan, J.J., McGarry, J.F. and Zagwodzki, T.W., "SLR2000: Engineering Status and Spinoffs" Proc. WEGENER 98 Symposium, pp. 11-14, Krokkleiva, Norway, June 29-July 2, 1998.

Degnan, J.J., Zagwodzki, T.W., "SLR2000 Microlaser Performance: Theory vs. Experiment", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 458, 1998.

Devoti, R., Luceri, V., Rutigoliano, P., Sciarretta, C., and Bianco, G., "Secular Drifts of Low Degree Zonals Obtained from SLR Geodetic Satellites", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 22, 1998.

Dick, W.R., Mareyen, M., Meinig, M., Oppitz, K., and Richter, B., "The Consistency of the Global SLR Network", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 41, 1998.

Douxing, C., "A Numerical Method for Ordinary Differential Equations", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 569, 1998.

Drewes, H.,"Combination of VLBI, SLR and GPS determined station velocities for actual plate kinematic and crustal deformation models", International Association of Geodesy Symposia, January 1, 1998.

Dunn, P., Torrence, M., Smith, D., and Kolenkiewicz, R., "The Relationship of Laser Ranging to other Space Techniques", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 786, 1998.

Dunn, P., and Torrence, M., "Performance Assessment of Geodetic SLR Stations", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 795, 1998.

Etienne, S., "The Time Transfer by Laser Link (T2L2) Experiment", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 545, 1998.

Georges, J.A., Gilbreath, G.C., Rolsma, P.B., and Kessel, R.A., "Development of a Laser Ranging Target Optimized for LEO Spacecraft", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 250, 1998.

Gilbreath, G.C., "Satellite Laser Ranging Campaigns from NRL@Starfire: An Overview", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 126, 1998.

Glotov, V., Mitrikas, V., Revnivych, S., and Parchomenko, N., "WESTPAC Satellite Orbital Parameters and Measurements Accuracy", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 50, 1998.

Glotov, V.D., Mitrikas, V.V., Zinkovskiy, M., and Abylkhatova, N.L., "The Operational Procedure of the SLR Data Quality Analysis in MCC", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 631, 1998.

Greene, B., Brunswick, R., Gao, Y., and Dahl, L., "Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) Development for Antarctic", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 399, 1998.

Greene, B., Cotter, J., Moore, C., Loeff, A., Fras, I., Burns, P., Kunimori, H., and Gotoh, T., "Keystone (KSP) Class Autonomous Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) Systems", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 575, 1998.

Greene, B., Dahl, L., Gao, Y., Cochran, C., and Kunimori, H., "Eye Safe Laser Detection of Aircraft: Application in Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR)", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 698, 1998.

Greene, B., Gao, Y., Wang, Y., and Lederer, M., "Diode Pumped Passively Mode-locked Laser Oscillator for Satellite Laser Ranging", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 469, 1998.

Gurtner, W., Pop, E., and Utzinger, J., "Automation and Remote Control of the Zimmerwald SLR Station", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 404, 1998.

Hamal, K., and Prochazka, I., "Pico Event Timer Based SLR Station Upgrade", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 137, 1998.

Hausleiter, W., Appleby, G.M., and Sinclair, A.T., "Rapid Quality Checks within the EUROLAS Cluster", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 621, 1998.

Hujsak, R.S., Gilbreath, G.C., and Truong, S., "GPS Sequential Orbit Determination Using Spare SLR Data", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 56, 1998.

Husson, V., "SLR Global Performance Evaluation", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 645, 1998.

Husson, V., "System Performance Monitoring 2000", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 641, 1998.

Kaniuth, K., Mueller, H., Tremel, H., Nothnagel, A., "Adjustment of a European combined GPS-SLR-VLBI fundamental network", International Association of Geodesy Symposia, January 1, 1998.

Kasser, M., and Bock, O., "A new Way for Reducing Biases in SLR Timing", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 664, 1998.

Katsuo, F., Otsubo, T., Amagai, J., and Nojiri, H., "A New Calibration Technique for the Telescope Reference Point and the System Delay", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 516, 1998.

Kirchner, G., Koidl, F., Prochazka, I., and Hamal, K., "SPAD time Walk Compensation and Return Energy Dependent Ranging", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, 1998.

Klosko, S., "SLR Contributions to Determining the Gravitational Field and 1st Variations", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 28, 1998.

Klosko, S., Chao, B.,"Secular variations of the zonal gravity field, global sea level and polar motion as geophysical constraints", Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, January 1, 1998.

Klosko, S., and Chao, B., "The Use of Satellite Laser Ranging and Long Duration Orbital Changes to Constrain Geophysical Models in GeoResearch Forum", Vol. 3-4, 533-556, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, 1998.

Konopliv, A.S., Binder, A.B., Hood, L.L., Kucinskas, A.B., Sjogren, W.L., and Williams, J.G., "Improved gravity field of the Moon from Lunar Prospector", Science 281, 1476-1480, 1998.

Kouba, J., Beutler, G., Neilan, R., "Coordination of IGS Analysis Centers", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p.13, 1998.

Koyama, Yasuhiro, Ichikawa, Ryuichi, Gotoh, Tadahiro, Sekido, Mamoru, Kondo, Tetsuro, Kuri-VLBI, SLR and GPS observations in the Key Stone Project, International, Association of Geodesy Symposia, January 1, 1998.

Koilbl, J., "Clock Distribution in SLR Stations", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 526, 1998.

Koilbl, J., "Frequency Synthesis for Timing Calibration", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 535, 1998.

Lambert, A., Pagiatakis, S.D., Billyard, A.P., and Dragert, H., "Improved ocean tide loading corrections for gravity and displacement: Canada and northern United States", J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 103, No. B12, p. 30, 23, 1998.

Leonardi, M., "A Possible Use of Ajisai Mirrors for Two-Way Laser Synchronisation", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 729, 1998.

McGarry, J., Cheek, J., Mallama, T., Ton, N., Conklin, B., Mann, T., Sadeghighassami, M., Perry, M., and Ricklefs, R., "SLR2000 Automated System Control Software", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 583, 1998.

Mitrikas, V.V., Revnivykh, S.G., and Bykhanov, E.V., "WGS84/PZ90 Transformation Parameters Determination Based on Laser and Ephemeris Long-Term GLONASS Orbital Data Processing", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 279, 1998.

Mueller, J., Nordtvedt, K., Schneider, M., and Vokrouhlicky, D., "Improved Determination of Relativistic Quantities from LLR", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 216, 1998.

Negredo, M., Sabadini, R., Bianco, G., and Fernandez, M., "Subduction and Continental Convergence in the Central Mediterranean: Modelling of Crustal Deformation and Sea-Level Changes Due to Active Tectonics", Geophysical Research Letters, 25 (23), 4261-4264, 1998.

Nerem, R.S., Eanes, R.J., Ries, J.C., and Mitchum, G.T., "The Use of a Precise Reference Frame in Sea Level Change Studies", Proc. International Association of Geodesy Conference "Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System", Munich, October 5-9, 1998.

Neubert, R., Grunwaldt, L., and Neubert, J., "The Retro-Reflector for the CHAMP Satellite: Final Design and Realization", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 260, 1998.

Nicolas, J., Exertier, P., Bonnefond, P., Pierron, F., and Haase, J., "First Results with the French Transportable Laser Ranging Station", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 113, 1998.

Nordtvedt, K., "Optimizing the Observation Schedule in Laser Ranging Experiments", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 201, 1998.

Novotny, A., "Human Factor as an Important Phenomenon of GLOBAL SLR Network", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 317, 1998.

O'Toole, J.W., Evaluation of NIMA GPS satellite ephemerides using NASA laser ranging data, Position Location and Navigation Symposium, IEEE 1998,20-23, pp 371-378, Apr 1998.

Otsubo, T., Amagai, J., and Kunimori, H., "Measuring Ajisai's Spin Motion", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 674, 1998.

Otsubo, T., and Endo, T., "Quick Bias Report for Lageos and Ajisai Data", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 650, 1998.

Ourensma, G.J., and Noomen, R., "Quick-Look Analysis at Delft University of Technology: Past, Present and Future", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 654, 1998.

Paunonen, M., "The New Satellite Laser Ranging System at Mets�hovi", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 139, 1998.

Pierron, F., Nicolas, J., Kasser, M., and Haase, J., "Status and New Capabilities of the French Transportable Laser Ranging System", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 104, 1998.

Plag, H.P., Ambrosius, B., Baker, T.F., Beutler, G., Bianc, G., Blewitt, G., Boucher, C., Davis, J.L., Degnan, J.J., Johansson, J.M., Kahle, H.G., Kumkova, I., Marson, I., Mueller, S., Pavlis, E.C., Pearlman, M.R., Richter, B., Spakman, W., Tatevian, S.K., Tomasi, P., Wilson, P., and Zerbini, S., "Scientific objectives of current and future WEGENER activities", Tectonophysics, Vol. 294, pp. 177-223, 15 September, 1998.

Plag, H.P., Engen, B., Clark, T., Degnan, J., and Richter, B., "Post-glacial rebound and present-day three-dimensional deformations", Journal of Geodynamics, pp. 263-301, May, 1998.

Prochazka, I., "Differential Satellite Laser Ranging SLR System Diagnostics Tool", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 660, 1998.

Prochazka, I., Hamal, K., and Blazej, J., "Millimetre Ranging and Echo Signal Strength Monitoring with SPAD Detectors", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 452, 1998.

Prochazka, I., Hamal, K., and Pershin, S.M., "SPAD Detector for Laser Ranging on Mars Surface", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 421, 1998.

Ricklefs, R.L., "SLR2000 Remote Access Terminal", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 598, 1998.

Ricklefs, R.L., Nugent, D., Conklin, B., Mann, T., and Wu, H., "Linux-based on-site Data Analysis Systems", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 66, 1998.

Riepl, S., Schreiber, U., and Schleuter, W., "Improvements of SLR by Adaptive Optics", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 209, 1998.

Ries, J.C., Eanes, R.J., and Tapley, B.D., "Lense-Thirring Precession Determination from Laser Ranging to Artificial Satellites", Proc. First ICRA Network Workshop and Third William Fairbank Meeting, Rome and Pescara, Italy, June 28-July 4, 1998.

Ries, J.G., Jefferys, W.H., and Shelus, P.J., "A Different Approach to Lunar Data Analysis: The Application of Bayesian Statistics", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 223, 1998.

Rutkowska, M., and Noomen, R., "Range Biases and Station Position Analysis for Network Solutions derived from SLR Data in the Period 1993-1995", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 70, 1998.

Schillak, S., "Analysis of Quality of the Borowiec Satellite Laser Ranging System", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 271, 1998.

Schreiber, U., Haufe, K.H., and Prochazka, I., "Concept of a Pet4/LabView-Control System", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 413, 1998.

Schreiber, U., Schneider, M., Stedman, G. E., and Schlueter, W., "Characteristics of a Ring Laser for Geodesy", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 678, 1998.

Schreiber, U., and Haufe, K.H., "Timewalk in Avalanche Photo Diodes", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 445, 1998.

Schumacher, P.W., Gilbreath, G.C., Lydick, D.E., and Davis, M.A., "Precision of Satellite Laser Ranging -Based Calibration of the Naval Space Surveillance System", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 701, 1998.

Schwintzer, P., Reigber, Ch., Bode, A., Ennninghorst, K., Kang, Z., Massmann, F.H., Meixner, H., Raimondo, J.C., Zhu, S. (GFZ), and Biancale, R. Balmino, G., Lemoine, J.M., Marty, J.C., Moynot, B., Barlier, F., Boudon, Y., Exertier, P., Laurain, O. "(GRGS): A New Gravity Field Model from Satellite Orbit Perturbations for Support of Geodetic/Geophysical and Oceanographic Satellite Missions-Reference Frame and Low Degree Gravity Field Solution (GRIM5-Step1)", Scientific Technical Report STR98/18, GFZ Potsdam, October 1998.

Seago, J.H., "Enhancements Toward Robust Normal Point Generation", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 80, 1998.

Sengoku, A., "A plate motion study using Ajisai SLR data", Earth, Planets and Space, 50, 8, p. 611-627, 1998.

Sengoku, A., "Surface force modeling and satellite techniques in geodesy", Sokuchi Gakkaishi Journal of the Geodetic Society of Japan, 44, 4, p. 205-222, 1998.

Shuxin, Z., Chongguo, J., Yaohen, X., Wu, W., Miaochan, H., and Xiangming, Z., "Status Report on Developing of Kunming Laser Ranging System (KLRS)", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 145, 1998.

Souilhac, D., and Billerey, D., "Design Study of a Fiber Interferometric Sensor and a Sagnac Fiber Optic Sensor", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 736, 1998.

Souilhac, D., and Billerey, D., "Design Study of an Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar for Remote Sensing", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 748, 1998.

Souilhac, D., and Billerey, D., "Design Study of an Infrared Acoustooptic Imaging Spectroradiometer with Infrared Fiber Probe Coupling Capability", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 685, 1998.

Souilhac, D., and Billerey, D., "H2-Raman-Shifting of the 512 nm Doubled Frequency Nd:YAG Laser for Multiple Wavelengths Laser Ranging Applications", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 359, 1998.

Souilhac, D., and Billerey, D., "Overview of Performance Characteristics of Laser Radar and Applications of Lidars for Environmental Remote Sensing", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 373, 1998.

Souilhac, D., and Billerey, D., "Tea High Power CO2 Laser Amplifier for Long Range Radar and CO2 Laser Dial Experiments", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 481, 1998.

Souilhac, D., and Billerey, D., "Two Wavelengths Solid State Laser for the Laser Ranging Station", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 496, 1998.

Tangyong, G., "The New Software Package for SLR System", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 605, 1998.

Tangyong, G., Zizhong, X., Wenwei, Y., Cuixia, L., Qinfu, C., Yecun, T., Sihau, H., Hangang, "CMONOC Transportable SLR System", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 121, 1998.

Tanqiang, W., Tangyong, G., and Nailing, L., "The Real Time Processing of Tracking Deviations for SLR Tracking Control System", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 611, 1998.

Tatevian, S., and Bayuk, O., "Optimum Planning of LAGEOS Laser Ranging for Geodynamic Programs", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 627, 1998.

Tawadros, M.Y., Helali, Y.E., and EL-Saftawy, M.I., "Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) Observation at Helwan Station 7831 during 1998", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 181, 1998.

Titterton, P., Sweeney, H., and Leonard, D., "System/Usage Impact of Operating the SLR2000 at 2 kHz", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 426, 1998.

Torrence, M., "Realization of the EGM96 Reference Frame", Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Deggendorf, Germany, September 21-25, p. 777, 1998.

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