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SLR Related Publications for 1991

Solid Earth Science in the 1990s; Coolfont Report. "Volume 1: Program Plan, NASA-TM-4256-VOL-1, February 1991.

Solid Earth Science in the 1990s; Coolfont Report. Volume 2: Panel Reports, NASA-TM-4256-VOL-2, February 1991.

Solid Earth Science in the 1990s; Coolfont Report. Volume 3: Measurement Techniques and Technology, NASA-TM-4256-VOL-3, February 1991.

Andrews, D., Dodsworth, S J. and McKay, M.H., "The Control and Monitoring of ERS-1," Magazine-ESA Bulletin, No. 65, pp. 73-79, 1991.

Baker, T.F., Edge, R.J. and Jeffries, G., "Tidal Gravity and Ocean Tide Loading in Europe", Geophys. J. International, Vol. 107, pp. 1-11, 1991.

Bertotti, B. and Iess, L., The Rotation of LAGEOS. J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 2431-2440, 1991.

Biancale, R., Cazenave, A. and Dominh, K., "Tectonic Plate Motions Derived from LAGEOS", Earth and Planet. Sci. Lett., Vol. 103, pp. 379-394, 1991.

Billiris, H., D. Paradissis, G. Veis, P. England, W. Featherstone, B. Parsons, P. Cross, P. Rands, M. Rayson, P. Sellers, V. Askenazi, M. Davison, J. Jackson and N. Ambraseys, Geodetic Determination of Tectonic Deformation in Central Greece from 1900 to 1988, - Nature, V. 350, pp. 124-129, 1991.

Casotto, S., "Spectral decomposition of geopotential, Earth and ocean tidal perturbations in linear satellite theory", Celest. Mech. and Dynam. Astron., 50, pp. 125-141, 1991.

Chao, B.F. and Au, A.Y., "Atmospheric Excitation of the Earth's Annual Wobble: 1980-88", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 6577-6582, 1991.

Chao, B.F. and Au, A.Y., "Temporal Variation of the Earth's Low Degree Zonal Gravitational Field Caused by Atmospheric Mass Redistribution: 1980 -88", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 6569-6576, 1991.

Chao, B.F., Gross, R.S. and Dong, D.N., "Global gravitational energy changes induced by earthquakes", submitted, Geophys, J. Int., 1991.

Chao, B.F., and Au, A.Y., "Temporal variation of Earth's zonal gravitation field caused by atmospheric mass redistribution: 1980-88", J. Geophys. Res., 93, B6, pp. 6216-6236, 1991.

Cheng, M.K., Shum, C.K., Eanes, R.J., Schutz, B.E. and Tapley, B.D., "Observed temporal variations in the Earth's gravity field from 16-years of Starlette orbit analysis", Proc. XX General Assembly of the IUGG, IAG Symp. No. 3, Vienna, Austria, August 1991.

Christodoulidis, D.C., D.E. Smith, S.M. Klosko, J.W. Robbins, P.J. Dunn and M.H. Torrence, Tectonic Motion in Western USA from Satellite Laser Ranging, AAPG Memoir, pp. 483-496, 1991.

Corduneanu, C., "Integral Equations and Applications", Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 366, hand, 1991.

Cruz, J.Y., Harrison, J.C., Speake, C.C., Niebauer, T.M., McHugh, M.P., Keyser, P.T., Faller, J.E., M�kinen, J. and Beruff, R.B., "A Test of Newton's Inverse Square Law of Gravitation Using the 300-m Tower at Erie", Colorado, J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 20073-20092, 1991.

Davis, J.L., Herring, T.A. and Shapiro, I.I., "Effects of Atmospheric Modeling Errors on Determinations of Baseline Vectors from Very Long Baseline Interferometry", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 643-650, 1991.

Degnan, J.J. and Klein, B.J., "Optical Antenna Gain. 2. Receiving Antennas", in Free Space Optical Communications, SPIE Milestone Series, Volume MS30, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, pp. 575-580, 1991.

Degnan, J.J., "Applications of Laser Ranging to Ocean, Ice, and Land Topography", SPIE Conference Proc., SPIE Vol. 1492-Earth and Atmospheric Remote Sensing, Orlando, FL, pp. 176-186, April 2-4, 1991.

Degnan, J.J., "Expanded International Cooperation in Space Geodesy", 1991 Research and Technology Report, NASA/GSFC, 1991.

Dehant, V., "Review of the Earth Tidal Models and Contribution of Earth Tides in Geodynamics", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 20235-20240, 1991.

Dixon, T.H., Gonzalez, G., Lichten, S.M., Tralli, D.M., Ness, G.E., and Dauphin, J.P., "Preliminary Determination of Pacific-North America Relative Motion in the Southern Gulf of California Using the Global Positioning System", Geophys. Res. Let., V.18, pp. 861-864, 1991.

Dixon, T.H., Gonzalez, G., Lichten, S.M., and Katsigris, E., "First Epoch Geodetic Measurements with the Global Positioning System Across the Northern Caribbean Plate Boundary Zone", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 2397-2416, 1991.

Doglioni, C., Moretti, I., and Roure, F., "Basal Lithospheric Detachment, Eastward Mantle Flow and Mediterranean Geodynamics: A Discussion", journal-in J. Geodynamics, V.13, pp. 47-66, 1991.

Dorrer, M., Laborde, B., and Deschamps, P., "DORIS (Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated from Space) system assessment results with DORIS on SPOT-2", Acta Astron., 25(8/9), 497-504, 1991.

Dow, J.M., Duque, P., and Merino, M.R., "Global Geodynamics from Lageos and Starlette Combination Solutions", Adv. Space Res., V.11, (6), 119-124, 1991.

Duchossois, G., "The ERS-1 Mission Objectives", Magazine-ESA Bulletin, No. 65, pp. 16-26, 1991.

Eanes, R.J., and Watkins, M.M., "Temporal variability of the Earth's gravitational field from satellite laser ranging observations", Proc. XX General Assembly of the IUGG, IAG Symp. No. 3, Vienna, Austria, August., 1991.

Ege, H., "Industrial Cooperation on ERS-1", Magazine-ESA Bulletin, No. 65, pp. 88-94, 1991.

El Hakim, B.A., Dessoky, M.M., El Sayed, A.A., Basta, N.Z., Mohamed, B.S., and Salem, E.M., "Microseismicity and Tectonics of Sinai", - J. Geodynamics, V.14, pp. 37-49, 1991.

Elgered, G., Davis, J.L., Herring, T.A., and Shapiro, I.I., "Geodesy by Radio Interferometry: Water Vapor Radiometry for Estimation of the Wet Delay", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 6541-6556, 1991.

Fea, M., "The ERS Ground Segment", Magazine-ESA Bulletin, No. 65, pp. 49-59, 1991.

Fea, M., and Bruzzi, S., "How ERS Data Will Flow", Magazine-ESA Bulletin, No. 65, pp. 60-62, 1991.

Fernandez, L.S., and Hey, R.N., "Late Tertiary Tectonic Evolution of the Seafloor Spreading System of the Coast of California Between the Mendocino and Murray Fracture Zones", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 17955-17980, 1991.

Fleitout, L., and Moriceau, C., "Topography and Geoid Anomalies Due to Density Heterogeneities at the Base of the ermal Lithosphere: Application to Oceanic Swells and Small-Wavelength Geoid Lineations", - Geophys. J. International, V.107, pp. 265-277, 1991.

Francis, R., Graf, G., Edwards, P.G., McCraig, M., McCarthy, C., Dubock, P., Levebvre, A., Pieper, B., Pouvreau, P.Y., Wall, R., Wechsler, F., Louet, J., and Zobl, R., "The ERS-1 Spacecraft and Its Payload", Magazine-ESA Bulletin", No. 65, pp. 27-48, 1991.

Gegout, P., and Cazenave, A., "Geodynamic Parameters Derived from 7 Years of Laser Data on LAGEOS", Geophys. Res. Let., V.18, pp. 1739-1742, 1991.

Gleason, D.M., "Obtaining Earth Surface Gravity Disturbances from a GPS-Based "High-Low" Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking Experiment", - Geophys. J. International, V.107, pp. 13-23., pre-print of a paper submitted to J. Geophys. Res-removed 911025, 1991.

Grimm, R.E., and Phillips, R.J., "Gravity Anomalies, Compensation Mechanisms, and the Geodynamics of Western Ishtar Terra", Venus, J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 8305-8324, 1991.

Groten, E., Lenhardt, H., and Molodensky, S.M., "On the Period and Damping of Polar Motion", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 20241-20256, 1991.

Haagmans, R.H.N. and van Gelderen, M., "Error Variances-Covariances of GEM-T1: Their Characteristics and Implications in Geoid Computation", Jnl of Geophys. Res., 96, 1991.

Hauksson, E., and Jones, L.M., "The 1988 and 1990 Upland Earthquakes: Left-Lateral Faulting Adjacent to the Central Transverse Ranges", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 8143-8166, 1991.

Hedin, A.E., et al., "Revised global model of thermosphere winds using satellite and ground-based observations", J. Geophys. Res., 96, A5, 7657-7688, 1991.

Herring, T.A., Buffett, B.A., Mathews, P.M., and Shapiro, I.I., "Forced Nutations of the Earth: Influence of Inner Core Dynamics, 3, Very Long Baseline Interferometry Data Analysis", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 8259-8274, 1991.

Hilgen, F.J., "Astronomical Calibration of Gauss to Matuyama Sapropels in the Mediterranean and Implication for the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale", - Earth Plan. Sci. Lett., V.104, pp. 226-244, 1991.

Hilgen, F.J., "Extension of the Astronomically Calibrated (Polarity) Time Scale to the Miocene/Pliocene Boundary", - Earth Plan. Sci. Lett., V.107, pp. 349-368, 1991.

Hinderer, J., Legros, H., and Crossley, D., "Global Earth Dynamics and Induced Gravity Changes", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 20257-20266, 1991.

IERS, "Earth Orientation and Reference Frame Determinations", Atmospheric Excitation Functions, up to 1990 (Annex to the IERS Annual Report for 1990), - IERS Tech. Note No. 8, 165pp. , 1991.

Jackson, M. J., Pollack, H.N., and Sutton, S.T., "On the Distribution of Anomalous Mass Within the Earth: Forward Models of the Gravitational Potential Spectrum Using Ensembles of Discrete Mass Elements", - Geophys. J. International, V.107, pp. 83-94, 1991.

Jonas, J., Hall S., and Casey, J.F., "Gravity Anomalies Over Extinct Spreading Centers: A Test of Gravity Models of Active Centers", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 11759-11778, 1991.

Judge, A.V., and McNutt, M.K., "The Relationship Between Plate Curvature and Elastic Plate Thickness: A Study of the Peru-Chile Trench", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 16625-16640, 1991.

Klein, B.J., and Degnan, J.J., "Optical Antenna Gain. 3. The Effect of Secondary Element Support Struts on Antenna Gain", in Free Space Optical Communications, SPIE Milestone Series, pp. 581-584, Volume MS30, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, 1991.

Klein, B.J., and Degnan, J.J., "Optical Antenna Gain. I. Transmitting Antennas", in Free Space Optical Communications, SPIE Milestone Series, Volume MS30, pp. 568-574, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, 1991.

Klopping, F.J., Peter, G., Robertson, D.S., Berstis, K.A., Moose, R.E., and Carter, W.E., "Improvements in Absolute Gravity Observations", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 8295-8304, 1991.

Klosko, S.M., "Precision Orbit Determination for Geodetic Applications", presented at Naval Space Command Astrodynamics Conference, Dahlgren, VA, 1991.

Knudsen, P., "Estimation of Empirical Covariance Functions Associated with the Gravity Field and the Permanent Sea Surface Topography Using GEOSAT Altimetry and Marine Gravimetry", -paper presented to the 20th IUGG Meeting, Vienna, 1991.

Knudsen, P., "Simultaneous Estimation of the Gravity Field and Sea Surface Topography from Satellite Altimeter data by Least-Squares Collocation", -Reprint from Geophys. J. International, V.104, pp. 307-317, 1991.

Knudsen, P., and Brovelli, M., "Co-Linear and Cross-Over Adjustment of GEOSAT ERM and SEASAT Altimeter Data in the Mediterranean Sea", -copy of a presentation made at the EGS Meeting, Wiesbaden, 1991.

Koblinsky, C.J., Nerem, R.S., Klosko, S.M., and Williamson, R.G., "Global Scale Variations in Sea Surface Topography Determined from Satellite Altimetry", IUGG Symposium of XX General Assembly, published Proc., ., 1991.

Koblinsky, C.J., Nerem, R.S., Klosko, S.M., and Williamson, R.G., "Observing Large Scale Sea Surface Topography from Space: Part II-Evaluation", Submitted to J. Geophy. Res., 1991.

Kolenkiewicz, R., Smith, D.E., Dunn, P.J., Torrence, M.H., Robbins, J.W., Klosko, S.M., Williamson, R.G., Pavlis, E.C., Douglas, N.B., and Fricke, S.K., "The Role of Laser Determined Orbits in Geodesy and Geophysics", -copy of Adv. Space Res., V.11, No.6, pp. 111-118, 1991.

Larsen, S., and Reilinger, R., "Age Constraints for the Present Fault Configuration in the Imperial Valley, California: Evidence for Northwestward Propagation of the Gulf of California Rift System", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 10339-10346, 1991.

Larson, K.M., Webb, F.H., and Agnew, D.C.,"Application of the Global Positioning System to Crustal Deformation 2, The Influence of Errors in Orbit Determination Networks", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 16567-16584, 1991.

Lerch, F.J., "Optimum Data Weighting and Error Calibration for Estimation of Gravitational Parameters", Bullet Geodesique, 65, 44-52, 1991.

Lerch, F.J., Marsh, J.G., Klosko, S.M., Patel, G.B., Chinn, D.S., Pavlis, E.C., and Wagner, C.A., "An Improved Error Assessment for the GEM-T1 Gravitational Model", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 20023-20040, 1991.

Lerch, F.J., Marsh, J.G., Klosko, S.M., Patel, G.B., Chinn, D.S., Pavlis, E.C., and Wagner, C.A., "An Improved Error Assessment for the GEM-T1 Gravitational Model", J. Geophys. Res., B12, b, 1991.

Lerch, F.J., Patel, G.B., and Klosko, S.M., "Direct Calibration of GEM-T1 with 1071 5x5 Degree Mean Gravity Anomalies from Altimetry", Manuscripta Geodaetica, 16, 141-147, a, 1991.

Li, Q., and Nyland, E., "A New Approach to Modeling of the Dynamics of the Lithosphere", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 20301-20308, 1991.

Lisowski, M., "Recent Plate Motions and Crustal Deformations", U.S. National Report to the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 1987-1990, R. Geophys., 162-171, 1991.

Liu, H.S., and Chao, B.F., "The Earth's Equatorial Principal Axes and Moments of Inertia", - Geophys. J. International, V.106, pp. 699-702, 1991.

Love, J.D., Anderson, R., and Strange, W.E., "The National Geidetic Survey GPS Observation Program Supporting Crustal Motion and Subsidence", -Handout at the Chapman Conference on Time Dependent Positioning, Annapolis, MD, 1991.

Lyle, M., and Ness, G.E., "The Opening of the Southern Gulf of California", AAPG Memoir, The Gulf and Peninsular Province of the Californias, pp. 403-423, 1991.

Machetel, P., and Weber, P., "Intermittent Layered Convection in a Model Mantle with an Endothermic Phase Change at 670 km", Nature, V. 350., pp. 55-57, 1991.

Marshall, G.A., Stein, R.S., and Thatcher, W., "Faulting Geometry and Slip from Co-Seismic Elevation Changes: The 18 October 1989, Loma Prieta, California, Earthquake", Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., V.81, pp. 1660-1693, 1991.

Marshall, J.A., Antreasian, P.G., and Rosborough, G.W., "Modeling Radiation Forces Acting on Satellites for Precision Orbit Determination", AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialists Conference, Published Proc., AAS-91-357, 1991.

Martinec, Z., "On the Accuracy of the Method of Condensation of the Earth's Topography", - V. 16, pp. 288-294, 1991.

Mathews, P.M., Buffett, B.A., Herring, T.A., and Shapiro, I.I., "Forced Nutations of the Earth: Influence of Inner Core Dynamics, 1", Theory, J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 8219-8242, 1991.

Mathews, P.M., Buffett, B.A., Herring, T.A., and Shapiro, I.I., "Forced Nutations of the Earth: Influence of Inner Core Dynamics, 2", Numerical Results and Comparisons, J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 8243-8258, 1991.

Milbert, D.G., "A Family of Covariance Functions Based on Degree Variance Models and Expressible by Elliptic Integrals", - V.16, pp. 155-167, 1991.

Mitchell, N.C., "Distributed Extension at the Indian Ocean Triple Junction", J. Geophys. Res. 96, pp. 8019-8044, 1991.

Mitrovica, J.X., and Peltier, W.R., "On Postglacial Geoid Subsidence Over the Equatorial Oceans", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 20053-20072, 1991.

Morris, E., and Detrick, R.S., "Three-Dimensional Analysis of Gravity Anomalies in the MARK Area, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 23�N", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 4355-4366, 1991.

Naar, D.F., and Hey, R.N., "Tectonic Evolution of the Easter Microplate", J. Geophys. Res. 96, pp. 7961-7994, 1991.

Nerem, R.S., Lerch, F.J., Williamson, R.G., Patel, G.B., Klosko, S.M., and Chan, J.C., "An Evaluation of the DORIS Tracking System on SPOT-2", International DORIS Orbit Computation Workshop, Toulouse, France, 1991.

Nuth, V., "On the estimation of atmospheric drag parameters for precision orbit determination", CSR-Tm-91-02, Center for Space Research, University of Texas, Austin, 1991.

Ou, Z., "Approximative Bayes Estimation for Variance Components", - V.16, pp. 168-172, 1991.

Papazachos, B., Kiratzi, A., and Papadimitriou, E., "Regional Focal Mechanisms for Earthquakes in the Aegean Area", - PAGEOPH, V.136, pp. 405-420, 1991.

Patton, H.J., and Zandt, G., "Seismic Moment Tensors of Western U. S. Earthquakes and Implications for the Tectonic Stress Field", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 18245-18260, 1991.

Pavlis, E.C., Smith, D.E., and Torrence, M.H., "A Global Reference Frame for Geodynamics: SL7.1", presentation made to the 20th IUGG Assembly, Vienna, 1991.

Peck, D.L., and 14 others, "Our Changing Planet: The FY Research Plan", 1990 -The U. S. Global Change Research Program. A report by the Committee on Earth and Environmental Science, 254pp, 1991.

Poirier, J.P., "Introduction to the Physics of the Earth's Interior", Cambridge Univ. Press, 264pp, ppbk. Vol. 3 of Cambridge topics in Mineral Physics and Chemistry, 1991.

Rapalini, A.E., and Vilas, J.F., "Tectonic Rotations in the Late Paleozoic Continental Margin of Southern South America Determined and Dated by Paleomagnetism", - Geophys. J. International, V.107, pp. 333-351, 1991.

Rapp, R.H., Nerem, R.S., Shum, C.K., Klosko, S.M., and Williamson, R.G., "Consideration of Permanent Tidal Deformation in the Orbit Determination and Data Analysis for the TOPEX/Poseidon Mission", NASA Tech. Memo. 100775, January, 1991.

Rapp, R.H., Wang, Y.M., and Pavlis, N., "Geoid Undulation Differences Between Geopotential Models", presentation to the European Geophysical Society Meeting, Wiesbaden, 1991.

Rapp, R.H., et al., Rep. 410, Dep. Geod. Sci., OSU, Columbus, 1991.

Ray, J.R., Ma, C., Ryan, J.W., Clark, T.A., Eanes, R.J., Watkins, M.M., Schutz, B.E., and Tapley, B.D., "Comparison of VLBI and SLR geocentric site coordinates", Geophys. Res. Lett., 18(2), 231-234, 1991.

Reading, C., Stevenson, I., and de Villiers, N., "ERS-2 and Beyond", Magazine-ESA Bulletin, No. 65, pp. 95-99, 1991.

Reigber, C., F�rste, C., Schwintzer, P., Massmann, F.H., M�ller, H., and Ellmer, W., "Plate Motions and Deformations from 10 Years of LAGEOS Data", presentation to the 20th IUGG Meeting, Vienna, 1991.

Reigber, C., Schwintzer, P., Barth, W., Massmann, F.H., Raimondo, J.C., Bode, A., Li, H., Balmino, G., Biancale, R., Moynot, B., Lemoine, J.M., Marty, J.C., Barlier, F., and Boudon, Y., "GRIM4-C1, -C2 Combination Solutions of the Global Earth Gravity Field", presentation to the European Geophysical Society Meeting, Wiesbaden, 1991.

Richardson, R.M., and Cole, G.L., "Plate Reconstruction Uncertainties Using Empirical Probability Functions", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 10391-10400, 1991.

Ries, J.C., Huang, C., Watkins, M.M., and Tapley, B.D., "Orbit determination in the relativistic geocentric reference frame", J. Astron. Sci., 39(2), 173-181, 1991.

Royer, J.Y., and Chang, T., "Evidence for Relative Motions Between the Indian and Australian Plates During the Last 20 m.y. from Plate Tectonic Reconstructions: Implications for the Deformation of the Indo-Australian Plate", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 11779-11802, 1991.

Rummel, R., and Schrama, E.O., "Two Complementary Systems On-Board Aristoteles: Gradio and GPS", journal-Published in the Esa Journal, V.15, pp. 135-140, 1991.

Sabadini, R., Lambeck, K., and Boschi, E., "Glacial Isostasy, Sea-Level and Mantle Rheology", - published by KluwerAcademic Publishers, NATO ASI Series C, Vol. 334, 708pp, 1991.

Salby, M.L., and Shea, D.J., "Correlations Between Solar Activity and the Atmosphere: An Unphysical Explanation", J. Geophys. Res, V.96, pp. 22579-22595, 1991.

Scharroo, R., Wakker, K.F., Ambrosius, B.A.C., and Noomen, R., "On the Along-Track Acceleration of the LAGEOS Satellite", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 729-740, 1991.

Scherneck, H.G., "A Parameterised Solid Earth Tide Model and Ocean Tide Loading Effects for Global Baseline Measurements", Geophys. J. International, 106, pp. 677-694, 1991.

Schillak, S., "Borowiec laser station 1986-1990", Artificial Satellites, Planetary Geodesy, No. 15, Vol. 26, No. 1, Warsaw, Poland, pp. 13-18, 1991.

Schrama, E.J.O., "Gravity Field Error Analysis: Applications of Global Positioning System Receivers and Gradiometers on Low Orbiting Platforms", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 20041-20052, 1991.

Schwintzer, P., Reigber, C., Barth, W., Massmann, F.H., Raimondo, J.C., Gerstl, M., Bode, A., Li, H., Balmino, G., Biancale, R., Moynot, B., Lemoine, J.M., Marty, J.C., Barlier, F., and Boudon, Y., "GRIM4 Earth Gravity Field Models in Support of ERS-1 and SPOT-2", -Viewgraphs presented at the 20th IUGG Meeting, Vienna, 1991.

Scotti, O., Nur, A., and Estevez, R., "Distributed Deformation and Block Rotation in Three Dimensions", J. Geophys. Res. 96, pp. 12225-12244, 1991.

Sedlock, R.L., and Hamilton, D.H., "Late Cenozoic Tectonic Evolution of Southwestern California", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 2325-2352, 1991.

Shaofeng, B., and Dingbo, C., "The Finite Element Method for the Geodetic Boundary Value Problem", Manuscripta Gaedetica, 16, pp. 353-359, 1991.

Shearer, P.M., and Toy, K.M., "PKP(BC) versus PKP(DF) Differential Travel Times and Aspherical Structure in the Earth's Inner Core", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 2233-2248, 1991.

Sj�berg, L.E., "Refined Least Squares Modification of Stokes' Formula", - V.16, pp. 367-375, 1991..

Smith, D.E., Kolenkiewicz, R., Dunn, P.J., Torrence, M.H., Robbins, J.W., Klosko, S.M., Williamson, R.G., and Pavlis, E.C., "LAGEOS Geodetic Analysis--SL7.1", NASA TM 104549, September, 1991.

Soler, T., Strange, W.E., and Ferguson, J.S., "Geodetic Coordinate Systems in Florida: GPS Constribution", -Reprint from J. Surv. Engr., V.117, pp. 77-96, 1991.

Soler, T., and van Gelder, B.H.W., "On Covariances of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Second-Rank Symmetric Tensors", -Reprint from Geophys. J. Int., V.105, pp. 537-546, 1991.

Spakman, W., "Delay-Time Tomography of the Upper Mantle Below Europe", The Mediterranean, and Asia Minor, - Geophys. J. International, V.107, pp. 309-332, 1991.

Sutton, S.T., Pollack, H.N., and Jackson, M.J., "Spherical Harmonic Representation of the Gravitational Potential of Discrete Spherical Mass Elements", Geophys. J. International, V.107, pp. 77-82, 1991.

Tapley, B.D., Shum, C.K., Yuan, D.N., Ries, J.C., Eanes, R.J., Watkins, M.M., and Schutz, B.E., "The University of Texas Earth gravitational model", XX General Assembly of the IUGG, Vienna, Austria, August, 1991.

Vanicek, P., and Sj�berg, L.E., " Reformulation of Stokes' Theory for Higher Than Second Degree Reference Field and Modification of Integration Kernels", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 6529-6540, 1991.

Von Huene, R., and Scholl, D.W., "Observations at Convergent Margins Concerning the Sediment Subduction, Subduction Erosion, and the Growth of Continental Crust", Journal-in Reviews of Geophysics, V.29, pp. 279-316. Discarded 951228, 1991.

Wolf, D., "Viscoelastiodynamics of a Stratified", Compressible Planet: Incremental Field Equations and Short- and Long-Time Asymptotes, -Geophys. J. Intl, V.104, pp. 401-418, 1991.

Wu, S.C., Yunck, T.P., and Thornton, C.L., "Reduced-dynamic technique for precise orbit determination of low earth satellites", J. Guid., Control and Dynamics, 14, 24-30, 1991.

Yuan, D.N., "The determination and error assessment of the Earth's gravity field model", CSR-91-1, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, 1991.

Zhu, S.Y., Reigber, C., and Massmann, F.H., "Some Improvements of the Solid Earth Tide Model", 16, pp. 215-220, 1991.

de Vries, D. and Wahr, J.M., "The Effects of the Solid Inner Core and Nonhydrostatic Structure on the Earth's Forced Nutations and Earth Tides", J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 8275-8294, 1991.

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