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SLR Related Publications for 1989

Afonso, G., Barlier, F., Carpino, M., Farinella, P., Mignard, F., Milani, A. and Nobili, A.M., "Orbital Effects of LAGEOS Seasons and Eclipses" Annales Geophysicae, Vol. 7, pp. 501-514, 1989.

Appleby, G.M. and Matthews, W.E., "An analysis of range calibration values from the UK SLR system, 1985-1989", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy, October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 303, 1989.

Banni, A., "Status of the Cagliari SLR station and the Lasso experiment", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 85, 1989.

Banni, A., Proverbio, E. and Quesada, V., "Correction of laser tracking data for vertical and horizontal refraction", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 311, 1989.

Beek, W. and Otten, K., "MTLRS-2 upgrade", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 329, 1989.

Boudon, Y., Nobili. A., Metris, G., Veillet, C., Wytrzyszczak, I. and Barlier, F., "First results from laser ranging data to Meteosat-P2 interest for project COGEOS", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 17, 1989.

CSTG, "New Satellite Missions for Solid Earth Studies-Status and Preparations", CSTG Bulletin No. 11, p. 271, 1989.

Casotto, S., "Ocean tide models for TOPEX precision orbit determination", CSR-89-4, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, December 1989.

Cavalcabo, G., Fiorina, L., Zanzottera, E. and Reali, G.C., "High power doubled and tripled ML Nd:YAG laser for laser ranging", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 189, 1989.

Cazenave, A., Souriau, A. and Dominh, K., "Global Coupling of Earth Surface Topography with Hotspots, Geoid and Mantle Heterogenieties", Nature, Vol. 340, pp. 54-57, 1989.

Cech, M. and Novotny, A., "Satellite laser radar electronics based on IBM PC computer", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 357, 1989.

Cech, M., "Pulse selector for short laser resonator", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 195, 1989.

Cenci, A., Fermi, M. and Sciaretta, C., "Precise geostationary orbit determination using SLR: an application with Meteosat-P2", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 9, 1989.

Cenci, A., Fermi, M., Sciarretta, C. and Caporali, A., "The dilution of precision (DOP) technique", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 367, 1989.

Cenci, A., Garramone, L., Bianco, G., Pernice, B. and Sylos Labini, G., "The time and frequency system at the Matera Space Geodesy Center", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 393, 1989.

Chao, B.F., "Length of Day Variations Caused by El Nio/Southern Oscillation and Quasi-Biennial Oscillation", Science, Vol. 243, pp. 923-925, 1989.

Chelton, D.B., Walsh, E.J., and MacArthur, J.L., "Pulse compression and sea level tracking in satellite altimetry", J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. 6, 1989.

Cheney, R.E., Douglas, B.C. and Miller, L., "Evaluation of GEOSAT Altimeter Data with Application to Tropical Pacific Sea Level Variability", J. Geophys. Res, Vol. 94, Issue C4, pp. 4737-4747, 1989.

Christensen, U.R., "Mantle Rheology, Constitution and Convection", Mantle Convection, edited by W.R. Peltier, pp. 595-656, 1989.

Ciufolini, I. "A Comprehensive Introduction to the LAGEOS Gravitomagnetic Experiment: From the Importance of the Gravitomagnetic Field in Physics to Preliminary Error Analysis and Error Budget", International J. Modern Phys., Series A, Vol. 4, Issue 13, pp. 3083-3145, 1989.

Ciufolini, I., Bianco, G., Bertotti, B., Carpino, M., Dobrowolny, M., Farinella, P., Iess, L., Nobili, A.M., Rabbia, S., Vespe, F. and Zerbini, S., "Measurement of the Gravitomagnetic Field Using a Pair of Laser Ranged Satellites with Supplementary Inclinations (Non Gravitational Perturbations)", Joint ASI/NASA Study Group, Appendix B, Final Report, 1989.

Cohen, S.C. and Degnan, J.J., "Geodynamic Applications of Spaceborne Laser Ranging", presented at SPIE O-E LASE '89, Los Angeles, California, January 15-22, 1989.

Colombo, O. L., The Dynamics of Global Positioning System Orbits and the determination of Precise Ephemerides, J. Geophys. Res. 94, B7, pp. 9167-9182, 1989.

Cova, S., Ghioni, M., Lacaita, A. and Ripamonti, G., "Avalanche photodiodes optimized for single-photon detection", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 201, 1989.

Dassing, R., Hoppe, W., Muller, W., Schlueter, W., Stoeger. R. and Schreiber, U., "Status report on the satellite laser system at Wettzell", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 131, 1989.

Dassing, R., Schlueter, W. and Schreiber, U., "Status report on the new Wettzell laser ranging system (WRLS)", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 135, 1989.

De Mey, P., and Menard, Y., "Synoptic eddy fields and dynamical adjustment of GEOS3 and SEASAT altimeter eddyfields in the Northwest Atlantic", J. Geophys. Res., 94, pp. 6221-6231, 1989.

Dedes, G.C. and Goad, C.C., "Orbit Determination for the Global Positioning System Satellites and its Potential Implementation in the Micro Computer Environment", Festschrift to Torben Krarup, ed. by E. Kejls?, K. Poser and C.C. Tscherning, pp. 91-107, 1989.

Dedes, G.C. and Mueller, I.I., "Baseline Estimation with Semidynamic and Geometric Satellite Methods", Bull. Geod., Vol. 63, pp. 99-114, 1989.

Degnan, J.J., "Theory of the Optimally-Coupled Q-switched Laser", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 2, pp. 214-220, Feb., 1989.

Drew, A.R., and Snay, R.A., "DYNAP: Software for Estimating Crustal Deformation from Geodetic Data", - Tectonophysics, V.162, pp. 331-343, pre-print was received 880517-removed from file 900403, 1989.

Drewes, H., "Global Plate Motion Parameters Derived from Actual Space Geodetic Observations", Global and Regional Geodynamics, Symp. 101 of the IAG, Edinburgh, pp. 30-37, 1989.

Dunn, P.J., Robbins, J.W., and Smith, D.E., "Deformation in the Pacific Basin from LAGEOS", -Pre-print of an Edinburgh IAG paper. Publ. in Global and Regional Geodynamics, Symp. 101 of the IAG, Edinburgh, pp. 96-104, 1989.

Eddy, W.F., Pavlis, D.E., McCarthy, J.J., Marshall, J.A., Luthcke, S.B., Leung, G., Martin, T.V., and Rowlands, D.D., "GEODYN II System Description: Vol 1-5", prepared for Space Geodesy Branch, GSFC, September, 1989.

Eissfeller, B., and Spietz, P., "Basic Filter Concepts for the Integration of GPS and Inertial Ring Laser Gyro Strapdown System", - V.14, pp. 166-182, 1989.

Eissfeller, B., and Spietz, P., "Shaping Filter Design for the Anomalous Gravity Field by Means of Spectral Factorization", - V.14, pp. 183-192, 1989.

El-Isa, Z.H., and Al Shanti, A., "Seismicity and Tectonics of the Red Sea and Western Arabia", - Geophys. J., V.97, pp. 449-457, 1989.

Emeljanov, N.V. and Kanter, A.A., "A Method to Compute Inclination Functions and their Derivatives", - V.14, pp. 77-83, 1989.

Engelis, T., and Knudsen, P., "Orbit improvement and determination of the ocean geoid and topography from seventeen days of SEASAT data", Manuscripta Geodaetica, 14, 2, 1989.

Engelis, T.L., and Marsh, J.G., "Sea Surface Topography Determination and Improvement of the Gravity Field Using SEASAT Altimeter Data", presentation to Spring AGU Meeting, Baltimore, 1989.

Evans, A.G., and Carr, J.T., "Effects of Signal Multipath Errors at DMA GPS Satellite Tracking Sites on Orbit Accuracy", - V.14, pp. 143-148, 1989.

Fibbi, M., and Mariani, A., "Telescope for satellite laser ranging transportable stations", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 337, 1989.

Francis, O., and Mazzega, P., "Global charts of oceantides loading effects", soumis a J. Geophys. Res, 1989.

Fu, L.L., Liu, W.T., and Abbott, M., "Satellite sensing of the ocean. The Sea", Volume 9, Ocean Engineering Science, John Wiley and Sons, 1989.

Fu, L.L., and Zlotnicki, V., "Observing oceanic mesoscale eddies from Geosat altimetry: Preliminary results", Geophys. Res. Lett, 1989.

Furlong, K.P., Hugo, W.D., and Zandt, G., "Geometry and Evolution of the San Andreas Fault Zone in Northern California", J. Geophys. Res.94, pp. 3100-3110, 1989.

Gabetta, G., Hamal, K., Jelinkova, H., Marek, J., Reali, G.C., and Valach, P., "Powerful picosecond pulses from a mode-locked SFUR Neodimium laser for laser ranging", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 173, 1989.

Gaspar, P., and Wunsch, C., "Estimates from altimeter data of barotropic Rossby waves in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean", Submitted to JPO, 1989.

Gleason, D.M., "Some Notes on the Evaluation of Ellipsoidal and Spherical Harmonic Coefficients from Surface Data", - V.14, pp. 110-116, 1989.

Gorney, D.J., "Solar Cycle Effects on Near-Earth Plasmas and Space Systems", - J. Spacecraft, V.26, pp. 428-438, 1989.

Grafarend, E.W., "Four Lectures on Special and General Relativity", Theory of Satellite Geodesy and Gravity Field Determination, pp. 115-152, 1989.

Gripp, A.E., Argus, D.F., and Gordon, R.G., "Absolute Plate Motion Models Incorporating NUVEL-1", -copy of results presented at the Fall CDP Meeting, GSFC, 1989.

Grunwaldt, L., Neubert, R., and Ya, L., "Operational characteristics of commercial silicon avalanche photodiodes for use as laser radar receivers", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 223, 1989.

Grunwaldt, L., Neubert, R., and del Pino, J., "Status and performances of the SBG laser radar stations Potsdam and Santiago de Cuba", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 73, 1989.

Hager, B.H., and Clayton, R.W., "Constraints on the Structure of Mantle Convection Using Seismic Observations, Flow Models, and the Geoid, Mantle Convection", ed by W.R. Peltier, pp. 657-764, 1989.

Haines, B.J., Born, G.H., Marsh, J.G., and Williamson, R.G., "A Summary of Precise Orbit Computation for the GEOSAT Exact Repeat Mission", APL Technical Digest, V.10, pp. 393-404, 1989.

Hamal, K., Cech, M., Jelinkova, H., Novotny, A., Prochazka, I., Baghos, B.B., Helali, Y.E., and Tawadros, M.Y., "Interkosmos satellite laser station Helwan-version single pulse/semitrain", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 65, 1989.

Hamal, K., Prochazka, I., Schelev, M., Lozovoi, V., and Postovalow, V., "Modular streak camera for laser ranging", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 255, 1989.

Hamal, K., and Prochazka, I., "Prospect of laser ranging using a semitrain versus a single pulse", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 209, 1989.

Hart, S., and Zindler, A., "Constraints on the Nature and Development of Chemical Heterogenieties in the Mantle", Mantle Convection, ed by W.R. Peltier, pp. 261-388, 1989.

Hauser, J.P., "Effects of Deviations from Hydrostatic Equilibrium on Atmospheric Corrections to Satellite and Lunar Laser Range Measurements", J. Geophys. Res.94, pp. 10182-10186, 1989.

Heitz, S., "Differential Equations for the Direct and the Inverse Geodetic Problem in Reimannian Spaces", A Direct Solution for the Inverse Problem, - V.14, pp. 84-86, 1989.

Heki, K., "Displacement of a Japanese VLBI Station as and Indicator of the Island Arc Contraction", Publ. in Global and Regional Geodynamics, Symp. 101 of the IAG, Edinburgh, pp. 88-95, 1989.

Houry, S., and Mazzega, P., . "Large inversions of altimeter and tied tide gauge data for the Mediterranean Seamean surface", soumis a J. Geophys. Res, 1989.

Hurnik, H., Offierski, J., and Osinski, J., "Sending-receiving telescope for the mobile laser", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 345, 1989.

Hyde, R., "Some consequences of using very short pulses for Satellite Laser Ranging", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France p. 159, 1989.

Jarvis, G.T., and Peltier, W.R., "Convection Models and Geophysical Observations", Mantle Convection, ed by W.R. Peltier, pp. 479-594, 1989.

Jeanloz, R., "High Pressure Chemistry of the Earth's Mantle and Core", Mantle Convection, ed by W.R. Peltier, pp. 203-260, 1989.

Kalisz, J., and Pelka, R., "Advanced time-interval digitizer with pc control and automatic calibration", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 285, 1989.

Kielek, W.A., "Some results for few- and multi-photoelectron received signal processing", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 293, 1989.

Kielek, W.A., Jarkowski, J., and Wygoda, S., "Few ps jitter 100 MHz time base for time interval measurements -Design and measurements", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 277, 1989.

Kirchner, G., "Laser station Graz main activities and results of the last two years", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 123, 1989.

Klockler, P., Schidknecht, T., and Gurtner, W., Pop,E., "1989 station report and estimate of systematic errors Zimmerwald satellite observation station", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 105, 1989.

Klosko, S.M., Beard, R., Cenci, A., Papo, H., and Ye, S.H., "The Interdisciplinary Role of SpaceGeodesy", Chapter 6.2 Measurement and Environmental Modeling, edited by I.I. Mueller and S. Zerbini, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 22, New York, 1989.

Koblinsky, C.J., Braatz, L.E., Klosko, S.M., and Williamson, R.G., "Geocenter Definition in the Determination of Dynamic Height Using GEOSAT Satellite Altimetry", presentation to the Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, 1989.

Kokurin, Ju. L., Kurbasov, V.V., Lobanov, V.F., Sukhanovsky, A.N., and Shubin, S.G., "The network of laser ranging stations 'Crimea' ", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 77, 1989.

Kolenkiewicz, R., Ma, C., Ryan, J.W., and Torrence, M.H., "A Qualitative and Quantitative Comparison of Geodetic Results from SLR and VLBI", -Pre-print of an Edinburgh IAG paper. Publ. in Global and Regional Geodynamics, Symp. 101 of the IAG, Edinburgh, pp. 38-45, 1989.

Konig, R., "Predictions for ERS-1", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 355, 1989.

Kutzbach, J.E., Guetter, P.J., Ruddiman, W.F., and Prell, W.L., "Sensitivity of Claimet to Late Cenozoic Uplift in Southern Asia and American West: Numerical Experiments", - , 1989.

Lacaita, A., Cova, S., Ripamonti, G., and Ghioni. M., "Single photon timing at picosecond resolution with silicon detectors", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 269, 1989.

Lambert, A., Liard, J.O., Courtier, N., Goodacre, A.K., and one other, Candian, "Absolute Gravity Program", EOS-V.70, pp. 1447, 1459-1460, 1989.

Langbein, J., "Deformation of the Long Valley Caldera, Eastern California, From Mid-1983 to Mid-1988: Measurements Using a Two-Color Geodimeter", J. Geophys. Res.94, pp. 3833-3850, 1989.

Lansard, E., "Improving the orbit of altimetric satellite as a linear inverse problem for Doppler-tracked satellites", J. Geophys. Res. (sous presse), 1989.

Lerch, F.J., "Optimum Data Weighting and Error Calibration for Estimation of Gravitational Parameters", NASA TM-100737, 1989.

Liu, M. and Chase, C.G., "Evolution of Midplate Hotspot Swells: Numerical Solutions", J. Geophys. Res.94, pp. 5571-5584, 1989.

Lorenzetti, E., and Tullis, T.E., "Geodetic Predictions of a Strike-Slip Fault Model: Implications for Intermediate and Short-Term Earthquake Prediction", J. Geophys. Res. 94, pp. 12343-12362, 1989.

Malvicini, C., Ferrario, A., Gabetta, G., Banfi, G.P., and Reali, G.C., "Compact and reliable SFUR mode-locked active-passive Nd:YAG laser for satellite ranging", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 181, 1989.

Mangin, J.F., Dumoulin, C., and Veillet, C. "Avalanche photodiode detection at 1.06 micrometer", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 215, 1989.

Marsh, J.G., Lerch, F.J., Klosko, S.M., Engelis, T.L., Patel, G.B., Robbins, J.W., and Williamson, R.G., "Geoid Determination over Basin-Wide Scales Using a Combination of Satellite Tracking, Surface Gravity and Altimeter Observations", IAG Symp. No. 104, pp. 1-10, Springer-Verlag, 1989.

Marsh, J.G., Lerch, F.J., Koblinsky, C.J., Klosko, S.M., and 3 others, "Dynamic Sea Surface Topography, Gravity, and Improved Orbit Accuracies from the Direct Evaluation of SEASAT Altimeter Data", - NASA Tech. Memo. 100735, 99pp, 1989.

Marsh, J.G., Lerch, F.J., Putney, G.H., Felsentreger, T.L., Sanchez, B.V., Klosko, S.M., Patel, G.B., Robbins, J.R., Williamson, R.G., Engelis, T.E., Eddy, W.F., Chandler, N.L., Chinn, D.S., Kapoor, S., Rachlin, K.E., Braatz, L.E., and Pavlis, E.C., "The GEM-T2 Gravitational Model", NASA TM-100746, October, 1989.

Mazzega, P., "The solar tides and the sun-synchronism of satellite altimetry", Geophys. Res. Lett., 93, 15701-15714, 1989.

Mazzega, P., and Houry, S., "An experiment to invert SEASAT altimetry data for the Mediterranean and Black Seamean surfaces", J. Geophys. Res. (sous presse), 1989.

McCarthy, D.D., (chair), Boucher, C., Eanes, R., and 12 others, "IERS Standards 1989", IERS Tech Note No. 3, 76pp, 1989.

McCarthy, D.D., (editor), "IERS Technical Note 3", Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France, November, 1989.

Mcadoo, D.C., and Sandwell, D.T., "On the source of crossgrain lineations in the central Pacific gravity field", J. Geophys. Res. (in press), 1989.

Mecke, G., "Aristoteles-A European Solid-Earth Mission", - ESA Bulletin, No. 60, pp. 15-22, 1989.

Mei Suisheng, Shen Renji. Chen Daonan. Guan Zhenhua, "The third-generation SLR system made by NCRIEO", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 51, 1989.

Milani, A., and Melchioni, E., "Determination of a local geodetic network by multi-arc processing of satellite laser ranges", in Theory of Satellite Geodesy and Gravity Field Determination, Lect. Notes Earth Sci., Vol. 25, ed. F. Sanso' and R. Rummel, 417-445, Springer, 1989.

Milbert, D., Douglas, B., Cheney, R., and Miller, L., "Calculation of sea level time series from non-collinear GEOSAT altimeter data", Marine Geodesy, 1989.

Morgan, S.H., and Paik, H.J., (eds.), "Superconducting Gravity Gradiometer Mission", - v.1, Executive Summary, NASA TM-4091, 44pp. , ppbk., v.2, Study Team Tech. Report, NASA TM-4091, 249pp. , 1989.

Mueller, I.I., and Zerbini, S., (eds.), "The Interdisciplinary Role of Space Geodesy", Lecture Notes in Earth Science V.22, published by Springer Verlag, 300pp., 1989.

Murdoch, A., and Decker, W., "Crustal Dynamics Satellite Laser Ranging Network Preliminary TOPEX/Poseidon Laser Network Support Plan", Bendix Field Engineering, NASA rpt. CDSLR-03-0002, approx. 160 pp. , 1989.

Namias, J., "Summer Earthquakes in Southern California Related to Pressure Patterns at Sea Level and Aloft", J. Geophys. Res.94, pp. 17671-17680, 1989.

Neumann, Z., "Comparisons of the theoretical and measured properties for avalanche photodiode", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 241, 1989.

Newhall, X.X., Williams, J.G., and Dickey, J.O., "Earth Rotation (UT0) from Lunar Laser Ranging", JPL preprint No.175, submitted for the IERS annual report, 1989.

Parker, R.L., and Zumberge, M.A., "An Analysis of Geophysical Experiments to Test Newton's Law of Gravity", - Nature, V.342, pp. 29-32, 1989.

Paunonen, M., "Cavity dumping of a mode-locked self-filtering unstable resonator Nd:YAG laser", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 167, 1989.

Paunonen, M., "Status of the satellite laser ranging system at Metsahovi", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 97, 1989.

Paunonen, M., and Kertesz, I., "A mode-locked Nd:YAG laser using a self-filtering unstable resonator and passive co-operative dye and LiF:F2- switches", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 161, 1989.

Pearlman, M., "A report on the Coolfont meeting NASA Solid Earth Sciences (SES) program", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 41, 1989.

Pearlman, M., "A report on the Topex/Poseidon mission NASA Solid Earth Sciences (SES) program", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 47, 1989.

Peck, D., (chairman and ed.), "Our Changing Planet: A U. S. Strategy for Global Change Research", -Report by the Committee on Earth Sciences of the Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering and Technology, 38pp, 1989.

Peltier, W.R., "Mantle Convection and Plate Tectonics: The Emergence of Paradigm in Global Geodynamics", Mantle Convection, ed by W.R. Peltier, pp. 1-22, 1989.

Peltier, W.R., "Mantle Viscosity, Mantle Convection", ed by W.R. Peltier, pp. 389-478, 1989.

Peltier, W.R., (ed.), "Mantle Convection: Plate Tectonics and Global Dynamics", Book-published by Gordon and Breach, 881pp, hdbk. Individual papers referenced, 1989.

Peltier, W.R., Jarvis, G.T., Forte, A.M., and Solheim, L.P., "The Radial Structure of the Mantle General Circulation", Mantle Convection, ed by W.R. Peltier, pp. 765-816, 1989.

Peter, G., Moose, R.E., Wessells, C.W., Faller, J.E., and Niebauer, T.M., "High-Precision Absolute Gravity Observations in the United States", - V.94, pp. 5659-5674, 1989.

Pierron, F., Cuot, E., Hatat, J.L., Laplanche, M., and Paris, J., "The Grasse satellite laser ranging station status, results and future", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 141, 1989.

Pierron, F., and Kasser, M., "The French highly mobile laser system", Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation, Matera, Italy October 2-8, published by OCA/CERGA, Grasse, France, p. 351, 1989.

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