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BMC Physiology


Melissa Norton, MD

Biology Editor
Penelope Webb, PhD

In-house Editor
Anastasios Koutsos

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BMC Physiology is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in cellular, tissue-level, organismal, functional, and developmental aspects of physiological processes. BMC Physiology (ISSN 1472-6793) is indexed/tracked/covered by PubMed, MEDLINE, BIOSIS, CAS, Scopus, EMBASE, Zoological Record and Google Scholar.

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Image copyright: Carlos M Guerrero-Bosagna
BMC Physiology 2008, 8:17
Mice fed with soy isoflavones in utero and after birth show phenotypic and epigenetic changes, including advanced sexual maturation, differences in body size at 6 weeks and modified methylation of the actin promoter.

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Research article
Molecular analysis of photic inhibition of blood-feeding in Anopheles gambiae
Suchismita Das, George Dimopoulos
BMC Physiology 2008, 8:23 (16December2008)
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The role of polyamines in protein-dependent hypoxic tolerance of Drosophila
Paul Vigne, Christian Frelin
BMC Physiology 2008, 8:22 (2December2008)
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Hepatic steatosis in n-3 fatty acid depleted mice: focus on metabolic alterations related to tissue fatty acid composition
BD Pachikian, AM Neyrinck, PD Cani, L Portois, L Deldicque, FC De Backer, LB Bindels, FM Sohet, WJ Malaisse, M Francaux, YA Carpentier, NM Delzenne
BMC Physiology 2008, 8:21 (1December2008)
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Blood pressures, heart rate and locomotor activity during salt loading and angiotensin II infusion in protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) knockout mice
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Butyrate ingestion improves hepatic glycogen storage in the re-fed rat
Marie-Christine Beauvieux, Hlne Roumes, Nadge Robert, Henri Gin, Vincent Rigalleau, Jean-Louis Gallis
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Co-up-regulation of three P450 genes in response to permethrin exposure in permethrin resistant house flies, Musca domestica
Fang Zhu, Ting Li, Lee Zhang, Nannan Liu
BMC Physiology 2008, 8:18 (25September2008)
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Epigenetic and phenotypic changes result from a continuous pre and post natal dietary exposure to phytoestrogens in an experimental population of mice
Carlos M Guerrero-Bosagna, Pablo Sabat, Fernanda S Valdovinos, Luis E Valladares, Susan J Clark
BMC Physiology 2008, 8:17 (15September2008)
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Why we should use simpler models if the data allow this: relevance for ANOVA designs in experimental biology
Stanley E Lazic
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