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BMC Cell Biology


Melissa Norton, MD

Biology Editor
Penelope Webb, PhD

In-house Editor
Scott Edmunds

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BMC Cell Biology is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of cell biology including cellular compartments, traffic, signalling, motility, adhesion and division. BMC Cell Biology (ISSN 1471-2121) is indexed/tracked/covered by PubMed, MEDLINE, BIOSIS, CAS, Scopus, EMBASE, Thomson Reuters (ISI) and Google Scholar.

BMC Featured articles

BMC Cell Biology 2008, 9:68
Silencing the gene encoding Cytokeratin 18 using RNAi prevents replication of some strains of the intracellular parasite Trypanosoma cruzi in HeLa cells, indicating the gene to be a mediator of parasite-host interactions and a potential therapeutic target.
Credit: Adapted from Soroka et al
BMC Cell Biology 2008, 9:57
While the alpha subunit of the human organic solute transporter is a glycoprotein, glycosylation is not essential for its interaction with the beta subunit, localization of the complex to the plasma membrane or functioning of the transporter there.
Credit: Adapted from Hwang et al.
BMC Cell Biology 2008, 9:54
The Carnation Italian ringspot virus exploits its host plant's translocase complex, but not the sorting and assembly machinery, to insert the p36 protein of its RNA replication complex into the host cell's mitochondrial outer membrane.

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Confocal image of F-actin in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. [more]

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Research article
The cell cycle of the planctomycete Gemmata obscuriglobus with respect to cell compartmentalization
Kuo-Chang Lee, Rick I Webb, John A Fuerst
BMC Cell Biology 2009, 10:4 (14January2009)
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Comparative characterization of mesenchymal stem cells from eGFP transgenic and non-transgenic mice
Cynthia B Ripoll, Bruce A Bunnell
BMC Cell Biology 2009, 10:3 (13January2009)
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Research article
CD24 regulated gene expression and distribution of tight junction proteins is associated with altered barrier function in oral epithelial monolayers
Ping Ye, Mangala A Nadkarni, Mary Simonian, Neil Hunter
BMC Cell Biology 2009, 10:2 (13January2009)
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Cell and molecular mechanisms of keratinocyte function stimulated by insulin during wound healing
Yan Liu, Melissa Petreaca, Min Yao, Manuela Martins-Green
BMC Cell Biology 2009, 10:1 (12January2009)
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Subcellular localization of ammonium transporters in Dictyostelium discoideum
Janet H Kirsten, Yanhua Xiong, Carter T Davis, Charles K Singleton
BMC Cell Biology 2008, 9:71 (24December2008)
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cAMP-dependent and cholinergic regulation of the electrogenic intestinal/pancreatic Na+/HCO3- cotransporter pNBC1 in human embryonic kidney (HEK293) cells
Oliver Bachmann, Kristin Franke, Haoyang Yu, Brigitte Riederer, Hong C Li, Manoocher Soleimani, Michael P Manns, Ursula Seidler
BMC Cell Biology 2008, 9:70 (22December2008)
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Alterations in cell growth and signaling in ErbB3 binding protein -1 (Ebp1) Deficient Mice
Yuexing Zhang, Yan Lu, Hua Zhou, Myounghee Lee, Zhenqiu Liu, Bret A Hassel, Anne W Hamburger
BMC Cell Biology 2008, 9:69 (18December2008)
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Research article
Silencing cytokeratin 18 gene inhibits intracellular replication of Trypanosoma cruzi in HeLa cells but not binding and invasion of trypanosomes.
Carla Claser, Marli Curcio, Samanta M. Mello, Eduardo V. Silveira, Hugo P. Monteiro, Mauricio MARTINS Rodrigues
BMC Cell Biology 2008, 9:68 (17December2008)
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A comprehensive characterisation of the fibre composition and properties of a limb (Flexor digitorum superficialis, membri thoraci) and a trunk (Psoas major) muscle in cattle
Natalia Moreno-Sanchez, Clara Diaz, Maria J Carabano, Julia Rueda, Jose-Luis L Rivero
BMC Cell Biology 2008, 9:67 (15December2008)
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Valproic acid induces differentiation and inhibition of proliferation in neural progenitor cells via the beta-catenin-Ras-ERK-p21Cip/WAF1 pathway
Gyung-Ah Jung, Ju-Yong Yoon, Byoung-San Moon, Dong-Hwa Yang, Hyun-Yi Kim, Sang-Hun Lee, Vitezslav Bryja, Ernest Arenas, Kang-Yell Choi
BMC Cell Biology 2008, 9:66 (9December2008)
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Regulation of the retinoblastoma proteins by the human herpesviruses
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Cell Division 2009, 4:1 (15January2009)
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Gene expression profiling of alveolar soft-part sarcoma (ASPS)
Luke H Stockwin, David T Vistica, Susan Kenney, David S Schrump, Donna O Butcher, Mark Raffeld, Robert H Shoemaker
BMC Cancer 2009, 9:22 (15January2009)
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High correlation of the proteome patterns in bone marrow and peripheral blood blast cells in patients with acute myeloid leukemia
Gero Hutter, Anne Letsch, Daniel Nowak, Julia Poland, Pranav Sinha, Eckhard Thiel, Wolf K Hofmann
Journal of Translational Medicine 2009, 7:7 (15January2009)
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Stem cells from umbilical cord blood do have myogenic potential, with and without differentiation induction in vitro
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Paraoxonase-1 is related to inflammation, fibrosis and PPAR delta in experimental liver disease
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Lentivirus-mediated transgene delivery to the hippocampus reveals sub-field specific differences in expression
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