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Getting Permits

By law, one of AQMD's major tasks is to issue permits governing the operation of equipment that emits or controls the emission of air pollution.


Permit Moratorium

As a result of a recent court decision, AQMD is required to make significant changes to its permitting program.  This change prevents AQMD from issuing permits for new construction, modification, replacement and relocation of equipment that increases air pollution, unless the applicant provides its own Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs).  That is because the court decision has caused AQMD to suspend operation of its internal bank of offset credits which AQMD had used instead of requiring applicants to provide their own ERCs.

Additional Information

The AQMD has informed permit holders and others about this change.  For more information on this, please see Permit Moratorium Letter and Fact Sheet (pdf 265 KB).

For general information on ERCs and list of some of the offset brokers please click here.

If you have any specific questions, please contact us by phone at (909)396-3447 or by e-mail at .

You can help us process your permit even faster... ensuring your application submittal contains all the information necessary for our engineers to evaluate your application and permit your equipment. Most delays are related to insufficient information or incorrect fees. To help you, we are in the process of creating  web based a fee calculation worksheet to calculate the correct fee.  Watch here for the link to this new web application.

What you can expect from us

We will promptly review your permit application to make sure there is enough data to begin the engineering evaluation. When your application is complete, we will accept it for processing by our engineering staff. We will send you a confirmation letter with your application number and the team assigned to process your permit application. If we find we need any additional information to begin processing your application, we will call you. If we cannot reach you after three attempts, we will return your application package with a letter explaining what additional information is needed.

Permitting Tools

Why do I need a permit?
Permit Application Forms:
Guidance and Procedures:
Permit Application Status:

Need more help?

If you need permit application forms or help to make sure all necessary information is provided, our Permit Services representatives are ready to help you and can be reached by  calling (909) 396-3385.


This page updated: January 09, 2009