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Air Quality Management Plan
Advisory Group

Advisory Group Calendar

Synopsis of History:  There have been advisory groups associated with the development of past air quality management plans.  The PM10 Task Force for the 1997 draft AQMP is an example.  Another example is the current Advisory Group meeting to discuss and shape the development of the 2007 AQMP.

Advisory Group Mission:  To review the overall aspects of a draft air quality management plan and to make recommendations concerning emission inventories, modeling, control measures, and socioeconomic impacts, including: 

  1. Review and provide comments on (a) studies relevant to advancing scientific and technical knowledge in support of AQMP preparation; (b) emissions inventory development and modeling approaches; (c) the development of new and revised control measures, including on-and off-road mobile sources; (d) socioeconomic data and evaluations. 
  2. Foster coordinated approaches toward overall attainment strategies. 
  3. Assist in resolving key technical issues.

Membership:  The number of members may vary but will be approximately forty, drawn from a cross-section of the community representing major businesses, small businesses, local government agencies.  In addition, three persons from the Scientific, Technical, and Modeling Peer Review Advisory Group shall serve on this group.  The Governing Board shall receive recommendations for appointments to serve.  Members shall be appointed by the Governing Board.  Advisory Group Members.

Reporting:  The Governing Board’s Stationary Source Committee shall be the Board’s liaison for this Advisory Group.  The Advisory Group shall provide its recommendations regarding the AQMP as they are developed and final comments will be provided to the Executive Officer at least sixty days in advance of the proposed date of release to the public of a draft air quality management plan.

Advisory Group Calendar

2006 2007
Meeting Date* Agenda and
Meeting Date* Agenda and
Jan 11 Meeting Cancelled Jan 10 Document graphic
Feb 8 Document graphic Feb 14 Document graphic
Mar 8 Meeting Cancelled Mar 14 Document graphic
Apr 12 Document graphic Apr 11 Document graphic
May 10 Document graphic May 9 Document graphic
Jun 14 Document graphic Jun 13 Document graphic
Jul 12 Document graphic Jul 11 Meeting Cancelled
Aug 9 Document graphic Aug
No meeting
Sep 13 Document graphic Sep
No meeting
Oct 11 Document graphic Oct
No meeting
Nov 8 Document graphic Nov
No meeting
Dec 13 Document graphic Dec
No meeting

*Meeting dates are subject to change (Return to top)

Advisory Group Contact Person:  Dr. Elaine Chang (909) 396-3186.

Background:  Blue Ribbon Panel Regarding Operations of Board Advisory Groups

Click here for information regarding the current Air Quality Management Plan