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Government Relations

Local governments play an important role in AQMD’s strategy to meet federal and state clean air standards within the South Coast Air Basin.  The forming and strengthening of these partnerships with local governments also provides an opportunity to improve local air quality by identifying and resolving those localized air pollution problems that may represent a health hazard to the local community.

It is AQMD’s responsibility to represent the residents of the South Coast Air Basin by influencing the decisions of other agencies whose actions might have an effect on air quality (California Health & Safety Code section 40412).

To meet this mandate, AQMD has established a Local Government Relations Program to assist cities, counties, special districts, and other local government agencies with air quality issues.

Assigned throughout the basin on a geographic basis, AQMD Public Affairs regional staff are the point of contact for local communities on AQMD rules, policies, programs, and positions on clean air legislation.  This staff also acts as a conduit between AQMD and local governments, ensuring that AQMD keeps abreast of local governments' needs and sensitivities.

Services provided to local governments through this program include:

  • Providing updates on AQMD’s legislative agendas and AQMD-supported air quality legislation, including legislative summaries and fact sheets. 
  • Assisting local governments in improving local air quality through implementing AQMD clean air programs; planning tools, low-emission vehicle acquisition, funding resources and building related information.
  • Providing assistance in resolving local air quality problems that could represent a health hazard to community residents. Local governments are encouraged to report all air quality complaints to AQMD by calling 1-800-CUT-SMOG.
  • Participation in various community and business events, city council meetings and other local and regional forums.