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Community Notification Systems & Flare Events

To share information regarding flare events at petroleum refineries, sulfur recovery plants and hydrogen production plants that may have the potential for offsite impacts, South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) is providing the public and affected agencies with the opportunity to receive e-mail notification and related information about these events.

Those industries participating in AQMD’s Flare Event Information Notification Service first notify one or more public agencies as appropriate, including AQMD, when an event occurs or is expected to occur. The classification of the event determines the type of notification provided, not only to the affected agencies, but also to the public.

Facilities reporting flaring events are required to notify AQMD twenty-four (24) hours prior to the start of a planned flare event or, in the event of an unplanned flare event, notify the AQMD one (1) hour after the start of the incident.

Where flare event incidents have actual off-site impacts, the appropriate jurisdictional agency for your community and public safety officials will provide information and instruction.


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This page updated: May 29, 2007