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1999 Amendment to the 1997 Ozone SIP

Final 1999 Amendment to the
1997 Ozone SIP Revision
for the South Coast Air Basin

The AQMD Governing Board adopted the "1999 Amendment to the 1997 Ozone SIP Revision for the South Coast Air Basin" at its public hearing on December 10, 1999.  The 1999 Amendment provides revisions to the ozone portion of the 1997 AQMP that was submitted to the U.S. EPA as a revision to the South Coast Air Basin portion of the 1994 California Ozone SIP.  On January 12, 1999, the U.S. EPA proposed partial approval/disapproval of the 1997 Ozone SIP revisions citing concerns with the ozone control strategy provided in the 1997 AQMP.  To address these concerns, the AQMD staff has prepared the 1999 Amendment.

The 1999 Amendment provides additional short-term stationary source control measures that implement portions of the 1997 Ozone SIP’s long-term stationary source control measures. In addition, the Amendment revises the adoption and implementation schedule for the remaining 1997 Ozone SIP short-term stationary source control measures that AQMD is responsible to implement.

The 1999 Amendment addresses U.S. EPA concerns relative to the adoption schedule for the 1997 Ozone SIP Revision short-term control measures and the increased reliance on long-term control measures. The U.S. EPA indicated in a letter to the Governing Board that it believes the 1999 Amendment would be approvable and would expedite the review and approval process.

The 1999 Amendment does not revise the PM10 portion of the 1997 AQMP, emission inventories, the mobile source portions of the 1997 Ozone SIP Revision, or the ozone attainment demonstration. However, with the new short-term stationary source control measures, additional emission reductions are projected to occur in the near-term.

Specifically, the 1999 Amendment:

  • includes new short-term stationary source control measures;
  • revises the adoption/implementation schedule for 13 short-term volatile organic compounds (VOC) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) stationary source control measures from the 1997 Ozone SIP Revision;
  • provides further VOC emission reductions in the near-term; and
  • revises the emission reduction commitments for the long-term control measures in the 1997 Ozone SIP Revision long-term stationary source control measures that the SCAQMD is responsible to implement.

The Final 1999 Amendment consists of an Executive Summary, two chapters, and two appendices.

In addition to the AQMD Governing Board's adoption of the 1999 Amendment, the Governing Board signed an agreement with three environmental organizations to settle the litigation on the 1994 Ozone SIP. A copy of the settlement agreement is provided below.

To download or view sections of the revised draft 1999 Amendment in Acrobat format, click on the appropriate icon below.

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Final 1999 Amendment to the
1997 Ozone SIP Revision for the South Coast Air Basin

Final 1999 Amendment (Main Document and Appendices)

 Settlement Agreement on the 1994 Ozone SIP Litigation