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MATES - Multiple Air Toxics Exposure Study


As part of the 2003-04 Environmental Justice Workplan, the AQMD will conduct a Multiple Air Toxics Exposure Study beginning in 2004.  A Technical Advisory Group has been formed and meets periodically to provide technical review and input to staff during this study.  These meetings are open to the public.  The first meeting of this Group was held on December 9, 2003.   Agendas, presentations and other materials handed out at the Advisory Group meetings, and information regarding future meetings are available at MATES III Study Technical Advisory Group Meetings.

At its October 10, 1997 meeting, the SCAQMD Governing Board directed staff to conduct a major air toxic evaluation program, referred to as MATES II (Multiple Air Toxics Exposure Study) to quantify the current magnitude of population exposure risk from existing sources of selected air toxic contaminants.  This program was more comprehensive than a similar study conducted over a decade ago in MATES I, in that more sites were sampled, more toxic compounds were analyzed, and other elements such as microscale modeling were also incorporated into the study.  The AQMD conducted this study in three parts addressing;  (1) Air Toxic Monitoring;  (2) Air Toxic Emissions Inventory Enhancements; and  (3) Air Toxic Modeling and Risk Assessment.   Further information is found in the Historic and Current Air Toxics Levels section of the Air Toxics Control Plan.

The first Multiple Air Toxics Exposure Study was conducted in 1986-87 and the findings published in June 1987.  This document is not available online, but a reference copy may be consulted in the AQMD's Library.