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Flare Event Notifications


Refineries or related facilities subject to Rule 1118 requirements are required to notify AQMD of flare events expected to exceed one or more of the following thresholds:

  • 100 pounds of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), or
  • 500 pounds of sulfur dioxide, or
  • 500,000 standard cubic feet of gas combusted.

A refinery or related source is not required to notify AQMD if its planned or unplanned flare event falls below these limits.

Flare event notification requirements depend on whether a flare event is planned or unplanned.

  • Planned flare events
    • Flare events which a refinery or related source can reasonably anticipate as the result of certain activities like planned maintenance, scheduled shut down of process units, scheduled start-up of process units, etc.
    • Sources are required to notify AQMD at least 24 hours in advance of any planned flare event expected to exceed one or more of the thresholds listed above.
  • Unplanned flare events
    • Flare events which a facility is not reasonably able to anticipate.
    • Sources are required to notify AQMD within one hour after the start of any unplanned flare event that exceeds one or more of the thresholds listed above.

Notifications reported to AQMD by refineries and other facilities subject to Rule 1118 can be viewed by selecting the view archive notifications link on the appropriate facility detail page.

This information is provided to the public as part of AQMD's on-going commitment to increase public awareness of AQMD programs and the facilities operating within their respective communities.


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This page updated: April 05, 2007