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FOIA and Privacy Act Program
FOIA Guide
Amendments to the FOIA "OPEN Government Act of 2007"
Executive Order 13,392, Improving Agency Disclosure of Information
NRC FOIA Backlog Reduction Goals for FY2008, FY2009, and FY2010
Privacy Act Request Guide
Processing Fees
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Recent FOIA Requests
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Privacy Act Systems of Records
Annual FOIA Reports
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Related Information:
NRC Citizen's Guide to NRC Information
Public Document Room
Certification of Reading Room in Compliance with the FOIA

NRC FOIA Backlog Reduction Goals for FY2008, FY2009, and FY2010

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission establishes the following goals with respect to the numbers of FOIA requests and administrative appeals to be processed for the next three fiscal years as well as the number of requests and number of appeals it expects to be pending beyond the statutory time period at the end of each fiscal year for Fiscal Years 2008, 2009, and 2010.


Fiscal Year Number of Pending Requests at Beginning of FY Estimated Number of Requests Incoming During FY Agency's Goal for Number of Requests to be Processed During FY Agency's Goal for Number of Requests Pending Beyond Statutory Time Period (i.e., Backlog) at End of FY
2008 34 372* 389 17

* The average number of requests received during Fiscal Years 2003 through 2007.

Fiscal Year Projected Number of Requests Pending Beyond Statutory Time Period (Backlog) at Beginning of FY Estimated Number of Requests Incoming During FY Agency's Goal for Number of Requests to be Processed During FY Agency's Goal for Number of Requests Pending Beyond Statutory Time Period (Backlog) at End of FY
2009 17 372* 380 9
2010 9 372* 376 5

* The average number of requests received during Fiscal Years 2003 through 2007.


NRC has no backlogged appeals.

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Thursday, October 25, 2007