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Station News Procedure

Station Registration

Station Qualification


ILRS Station Qualification

As of January 1, 2003, all current ILRS stations will be initially classified as Operational

New stations will be accepted as Associate status by the Central Bureau upon submission of ILRS Station Response form.

Associate stations will become Operational by:

  • submitting a valid site log;
  • delivering at least 10 passes of satellite data to the CB;
  • passing format and data integrity validation by the CB;
  • delivering at least 20 LAGEOS passes over a consecutive 3-month period to an ILRS Data Center;
  • passing data evaluation by the Analysis Working Group including:
    • at least 20 LAGEOS passes in a 3 consecutive months period;
    • normal point RMS of 1 cm (Shanghai Criteria);
    • short term range bias stability of 4 cm (twice Shanghai Criteria); and
    • normal point acceptance rate of 80%; and
  • having a collocated IGS Station or a continuously operating GPS
    receiver that fulfills the IGS requirements for data acquisition and
    delivery and having submitted a request for its inclusion in the IGS
  • receiving approval from the Governing Board.

Starting January 01, 2004, to remain Operational Status, stations must have:

  • submitted at least 50 LAGEOS passes that satisfy the rms, short-term stability, and acceptance criteria above within a consecutive 3-month period during the previous 12 months;
  • submitted a valid site log; and
  • a collocated GPS receiver as qualified above.

Stations that do not satisfy the above criteria will be given Associate Status.

Operational/Associate status will be indicated on the Quarterly Report Cards issued by ILRS CB.

Responsible Government Official: Carey Noll
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