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Transportation Programs

Employee Rideshare Program

Rule 2202-On-Road Motor Vehicle Mitigation Options provides employers with a menu of options to reduce mobile source emissions generated from employee commutes, to comply with federal and state Clean Air Act requirements, Health & Safety Code Section 40458, and Section 182(d) (1) (B) of the federal Clean Air Act.

Effective June 19, 1998, this rule applies to any company or agency who employs 250 or more people on a full or part-time basis at a worksite for a consecutive six-month period calculated as a monthly average, except as provided in exemptions section of the rule (see subdivision (m)).

Rule Requirements

Employers subject to rule 2202 are required to implement an emission reduction program and meet an annual emission reduction target (ERT) for their worksite.  The worksite ERT is calculated using the number of employees who report to the worksite during the peak commute window.

Rule 2202 provides employers with a menu of emission reduction options that they can implement to meet their worksite ERT. Emission reduction strategies may include:

  • old-vehicle scrapping,
  • clean on-road vehicles,
  • clean off-road vehicles,
  • pilot credit generation programs,
  • other programs under Regulation XVI,
  • Short Term Emission Reduction Credits (STERC) from stationary sources (Regulation XIII),
  • Area Source Credits (ASC) (Regulation XXV), and
  • participating in the air quality investment program (AQIP).

As an alternative to meeting a worksite ERT, Rule 2202 also allows employers the option to implement an employee commute reduction program (ECRP) that conforms with the Employee Commute Reduction Program Guidelines and meets the rule exemption requirements. The ECRP focuses on reducing work related vehicle trips to a worksite with the purpose of improving average vehicle ridership (AVR).

Effective January 1, 2005, employers implementing an ECRP must:

  • meet their annual average vehicle ridership (AVR) performance requirement, or
  • submit an ECRP offset, or
  • submit a good faith effort plan that includes Good Faith Effort Determination Elements.

More Information

Before implementing any Rule 2202 program you should carefully read the rule, guidelines, and fee schedules.

Other guidelines and supporting documents have been prepared to assist employers in understanding the development and implementation requirements  of the rule. These documents may be accessed from the Documents and Forms page.

For additional assistance call Transportation Programs at:
(909) 396 - 3271.