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Annual Emissions Reporting (AER)

  SCAQMD's Green House Gas Emissions


To show its support for efforts to inventory and reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions, South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) has voluntarily prepared a GHG inventory based on calendar year 2004 and provided this data here for public information. 

The SCAQMD’s GHG emissions were estimated using total fuel usage for the agency’s fleet vehicles and combustion sources, total electricity usage, and appropriate established emission factors and conversion factors.  The total SCAQMD’s green house gas (GHG) emissions for calendar year 2004 are estimated to be 5,703 metric tons, of which 901 metric tons are from mobile sources (agency fleet vehicles), 1,900 metric tons are from stationary combustion sources, and 2,902 metric tons are from energy consumption.

Our facility is considered a “green building” because of its unique design and state-of-the art features such as fuel cells, 60-kilowatt micro turbines, high efficiency chillers, and energy efficient lighting.  The building’s exterior design includes windows of a high-efficiency glass which allows light in, but keeps heat out.  The building roof is a reflective material which aids in reducing air conditioning load during sunny days.  The SCAQMD maintains one of the largest alternatively-fueled fleets in the country.  Our cars run on electricity, compressed natural gas, gasoline, hydrogen or other hybrid combinations.

This page updated: August 05, 2008