US District Court • Southern District of New York

Rules of Court

Proposed Amendments Published for Public Comment

2nd Circuit Judicial Misconduct Procedures

Following the recommendation of the Joint Committee on Local Rules for the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York, the Board of Judges of the Eastern District of New York and the Board of Judges of the Southern District of New York may adopt amendments to the Court’s Local Rules. As a general practice, the amendments are published for public comment before the effective date.

Written comments may be submitted in letter form and may be directed to the contacts listed in the notice, or to:

Clifford Kirsch, District Executive
Daniel Patrick Moynihan Courthouse
500 Pearl Street, Suite 820
New York, New York 10007-1312

Proposed Amendments

December 29th, 2008

Proposed New Local Rule 1.5(b)(5)


Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

The Judicial Conference Advisory Committees on the Appellate, Bankruptcy, Civil, and Criminal Rules have proposed amendments to federal rules and Official Forms and requested that the proposals be circulated to the bench, bar, and public for comment. Most of the amendments are proposed in conjunction with the adoption of uniform time-computation rules. The proposed amendments, as well as information about how to comment upon them, are available at: