US District Court • Southern District of New York

Requesting Court Records

Rulings of Special Interest

Consolidated Cases


Sept 11th

Court Records

Court records are separated by case activity status and/or document type. In the Daniel Patrick Moynihan U.S. Courthouse, records are located in three different rooms, Open Records Room, Closed Records Room and the Records Management Unit/Sealed Documents. In the White Plains Courthouse, all records may be requested from the Office of the Clerk. Also, 24-hour electronic access to certain court records is available through the PACER service.

Open Records

Court records may be requested for viewing and copying between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Case files or any document within the case file may not leave the room at any time. Copies of documents may be requested in person during the aforementioned hours or submitted in writing via postal mail (e-mail is not accepted at this time). Written requests should be mailed to the attention of the Records Management Unit and include a case title, case number, specific document description, as well as the requestor’s telephone number.

The court charges a statutory copy fee in addition to the fee for the court record. Please refer to the schedule of fees that is also available in the Clerk’s Office and on this web site. Once the research and copy work has been completed, a records clerk will notify the requestor of the total charge.

Closed Records

The Clerk’s Office maintains case files which have been closed and each year it archives case files that meet the criteria set forth for archival into the Federal Records Center. Submit a written request to retrieve a case file that has been archived or visit either the Closed Records Room or the White Plains Clerk’s Office to complete a request form. The records clerk will provide the location number that designates where the case file is located in the Federal Records Center. After the record has arrived, a clerk will notify you. Please be sure to include a telephone number in your written request. Documents may not leave the Closed Records Room or the White Plains Clerk’s Office.

Sealed Documents

All sealed documents must be submitted to the Records Management Unit located in Room 270 on the second floor of the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Courthouse or to the Office of the Clerk in White Plains. Documents submitted under seal in an ECF case must be accompanied by a CD containing a portable document format (pdf) version of the document. Sealed documents will not be accepted after 4:30 p.m. After 4:30 p.m., parties wishing to file a sealed document must time stamp the envelope by the night depository located at the Worth Street entrance and then return to the Records Management Unit the next business day.