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Post Inspection Activities


The Closing Conference

Once the inspection has concluded and the inspector has made a compliance determination, a closing conference will typically be held with the facility representative to discuss the inspector's findings.  The closing conference provides the inspector the opportunity to:

  • identify and fill in any gaps in the information collected;
  • review applicable rule requirements;
  • discuss any non-compliant or other problematic areas, and issue any compliance notices, as appropriate;
  • suggest available resources such as technical publications, and AQMD's Small Business Assistance program;
  • ensure that the facility representative understands all of the information provided and address any questions the company may have.

Since AQMD inspectors are often the only direct contact between the AQMD and the regulated industry, the closing conference provides an ideal opportunity to provide the company with the available assistance to operate in compliance.

This page updated: October 03, 2006