Artemidorus anchor manuscript
Artemidorus manuscript
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In the middle of the second century C.E., Artemidorus of Daldis in Asia Minor wrote Oneirocritica, a work dedicated to the interpretation of dreams. He gathered evidence during interviews with thousands of people about their dreams. While his work has often been dismissed as mere divination, the careful study of dreams by modern psychiatrists has brought them back into the realm of scientific observation.


Artemidorus. Oneirokritikwn biblia pente. (Venice: Aldus Manutius, 1518).

This is the first Greek edition of Artemidorus’ Oneirokritikwn.


Artemidorus. De somniurum interpretatione … (Basel: Froben, 1544).

This early Latin edition of Artemidorus’ Oneirocritica included his treatise on insomnia, Peri enupniwn.



"In later antiquity Artemidorus of Daldis was regarded as the greatest authority on dream-interpretation ..."

—Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams


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