Congressman Ed Markey Seal
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5 High Street, Suite 101
Medford, MA 02155
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188 Concord Street
Suite 102
Framingham, MA 01702
TTY Line: 508-820-1802
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Washington, D.C.
2108 Rayburn House
Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Massachusetts Matters
Introduction | Press Releases | Documents & Videos

Rep. Markey was born and raised in the 7th Congressional District and remains focused on the priorities of the Bay State. From local affordable housing issues, to calling for better safety oversight in the wake of the Big Dig collapse, to helping ensure that our communities have the resources they need, Rep. Markey always puts Massachusetts first.

View a map of the 7th Congressional District HERE

Press Releases

Jan. 14, 2009 - Markey Votes For Historic Expansion Of Children’s Health Insurance

Dec. 17, 2008 - Markey: Historic Opportunities for Massachusetts in Stimulus Package

Dec. 11, 2008 - More than 16,000 MA Fraud Victims to Receive $3.4 Million in Reimbursements

Dec. 3, 2008 - Rep. Markey, Local Broadcasters and Cable Providers Team up for “DTV Day” to be held

Oct. 31, 2008 - $7 Mil. in Weatherization Funds for MA

View All Related Press Releases >

Documents & Videos

Sep. 16, 2008 - VIDEO - Markey on House Floor: Energy Bill Will Unleash Renewable Revolution

July 17, 2008 - LETTER - Rep. Markey and New England Delegation Asks Pelosi To Triple Funding For Home Heating Aid

Mar. 10, 2008 - VIDEO - Rep. Markey and Speaker Pelosi on Global Warming

Oct. 18, 2007 - VIDEO - Markey Introduces New Rep. Niki Tsongas

Oct. 14, 2007 - VIDEO - Rep. Markey at Medford WWII memorial dedication

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Office of Congressman Markey | 2108 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington DC 20515 | p: 202-225-2836