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Selective Bibliography of Dr. David Bilder
Associate Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
Department of Molecular & Cell Biology
University of California, Berkeley

"Polarity, Trafficking, and Epigenetic Regulators
in Drosophila Tumor Suppression"

Monday, November 17, 2008

1. Morrison HA, Dionne H, Rusten TE, Brech A, Fisher WW, Pfeiffer BD, Celniker SE, Stenmark H, Bilder D
Regulation of early endosomal entry by the Drosophila tumor suppressors Rabenosyn and Vps45
MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL 19 (10):4167-4176 Oct 2008

2. Vaccari T, Lu H, Kanwar R, Fortini ME, Bilder D
Endosomal entry regulates Notch receptor activation in Drosophila melanogaster
JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 180 (4):755-762 Feb 25 2008

3. Horne-Badovinac S, Bilder D
Dynein regulates epithelial polarity and the apical localization of stardust A mRNA
PLOS GENETICS 4 (1):e8 Jan 2008

4. Menut L, Vaccari T, Dionne H, Hill J, Wu G, Bilder D
A mosaic genetic screen for Drosophila neoplastic tumor suppressor genes based on defective pupation
GENETICS 177 (3):1667-1677 Nov 2007

5. Rusten TE, Vaccari T, Lindmo K, Rodahl LM, Nezis IP, Sem-Jacobsen C, Wendler F, Vincent JP, Brech A, Bilder D, Stenmark H
ESCRTs and Fab1 regulate distinct steps of autophagy
CURRENT BIOLOGY 17 (20):1817-1825 Oct 23 2007

6. Hariharan IK, Bilder D
Regulation of imaginal disc growth by tumor-suppressor genes in Drosophila

7. Sun X, Barolo S, Bilder D, Montgomery M, Sinha N
Emerging from the fog: hypotheses and paradigms in developmental biology--the Society for Developmental Biology 2005 Annual Meeting Report
DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 289 (2):273-282 Jan 15 2006

8. Lu H, Bilder D
Endocytic control of epithelial polarity and proliferation in Drosophila
NATURE CELL BIOLOGY 7 (12):1232-1239 Dec 2005

9. Vaccari T, Bilder D
The Drosophila tumor suppressor vps25 prevents nonautonomous overproliferation by regulating notch trafficking
DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 9 (5):687-698 Nov 2005

10. Horne-Badovinac S, Bilder D
Mass transit: epithelial morphogenesis in the Drosophila egg chamber
DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS 232 (3):559-574 Mar 2005

Created 11/04/08

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