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National Eye Institute Intramural Research Day, September 2000

1:00 pm - 4:30 pm
at The Cloisters

Oral Presentations
Poster Presentations
Organizing Committee

Dr. John Paul SanGiovanni reviews a poster presentation.

12:30 - 1:00 pm
1:00 - 2:15 pm
2:15 - 3:45 pm
3:45 - 4:30 pm

Poster Set-up
Oral Presentations
Posters and Refreshments
NEI Core Facility Updates


Richard Hertle, M.D., FAOO, FACS Emily Chew, M.D. Stanislav Tomarev, Ph.D. Christine Colvis, Ph.D.

1. Clinical Trial of Extraocular Muscle Tenotomy on Patients with Congenital Nystagmus (CN): A Gift from "Man's Best Friend"
Richard Hertle, M.D., FAOO, FACS
The Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research
National Eye Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD
2. Clinical Trials in Diabetic Retinopathy
Emily Chew, M.D.
Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Research
National Eye Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD
3. Rodent Models as a Tool to Study Glaucoma
Stanislav Tomarev, Ph.D.
Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Biology
National Eye Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD
4. Tracking Pathology with Proteomics
Christine Colvis, Ph.D.
Laboratory of Mechanisms of Ocular Diseases
National Eye Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD


1. Gene Therapy for Experimental Autoimmune Uveitis (EAU): Duration and Mechanism of Tolerance.
Rajeev K. Agarwal, D.W. Scott1, C.C. Chan, and R.R. Caspi. Laboratory of Immunology, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD and 1Department of Immunology, Holland Laboratory of the American Red Cross, Rockville, MD.

Dr. Rajeev Agarwal talks with several visitors.

2. Subretinal Neovascularization in the Rat Induced by Adenovirus Mediated Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor.
Judit Baffi, Gordon Byrnes, Chi-Chao Chan, and Karl Csaky. Laboratory of Immunology, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD.

3. The Upstream Region of the Rpe65 Confers Retinal Pigment Epithelium-Specific Expression in vivo and in vitro.
Ana Boulanger, Suyan Liu, Pamela McLemore, Abe Henningsgard, Shirley Yu, and T. Michael Redmond. Laboratory of Retinal Cell and Molecular Biology, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD.

4. Effect of Progesterone on Experimental Autoimmune Uveitis.
Ronald R. Buggage, D.M. Matteson, D. Shen, B. Sun, and C.C. Chan. Laboratory of Immunology, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD.

5. Cyclooxygenase-2 is Upregulated in Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial (HRPE) Cells by Cytokines.
Marian S. Chin, C.N. Nagineni, L. Chesky, B. Detrick1, and J.J. Hooks. Laboratory of Immunology, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD and 1Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD.

6. Detection of Farby's Disease Using Conjunctival Swab.
Mary A. Crawford, J.A. Smith, R.R. Buggage, C.C. Chan. Laboratory of Immunology, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD.

Several NEI women researchers deep in scientific discussion.

7. Conditionally Immortalized Corneal Cell Lines that Undergo Differentiative Changes in Culture.
Tom Creaven, J. Davis, A. Kim, and J. Piatigorsky. Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Biology, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD.

8. Basic and Clinical Studies on the Lens Using a new Quasielastic Laser Scattering Device with a 3-Dimensional Aiming System.
Manuel B. Datiles III, Rafat R. Ansari1, James King1, and George Reed2. Cornea and Cataract Section, Ophthalmic Genetics and Visual Function Branch, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD, 1National Center for Microgravity Research in Fluids and Combustion, NASA, Cleveland, OH, and 2Division of Biometry and Epidemiology, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD.

9. Altered ALDH3 and TKT Expression and Stratification Defects in the Corneas of Pax6 Mutant Mice.
Janine Davis, M. Duncan1, and J. Piatigorsky. Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Biology, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD, 1Department of Biological Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.

Mary Crawford and Dr. Janine Smith.

10. Confocal Microscopy of Corneal Fleck Dystrophy.
Ali Djalilian, Benjamin Rubin1, and Janine Smith. Laboratory of Immunology and 1Ophthalmic Genetics and Services Branch, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD.

11. Identification of Peptide / Protein Sequences Interacting with the Transcription Factor AP-2 alpha using Phage Display Libraries.
Jianguo Fan, Gail P. Hollowell, and Ana B. Chepelinsky. Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Biology, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD.

Drs. Charles Eguagu and Janine Smith discuss a poster presentation with a scientist.

12. CDK5 and Its Activator p35 are Expressed in the Corneal Epithelium.
Chun-Y. Gao, S. Negash, D.R. Ledee, and P.S. Zelenka. Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Biology, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD.

13. Community Outreach: Computerized Ophthalmologic Education for Nurses.
Shirley Grieshaber, Eunice Johnson, and J. Yates. Department of Nursing, NEI, NIH, Clinical Center, Bethesda, MD.

14. Transcription Factor AP-2alpha Gene Expression in the Lens.
Gail P. Hollowell, J. Fan, P.S. Zelenka, and A.B. Chepelinsky. Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Biology, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD.

15. The Isolation and Characterization of ALDH1: A Putative Corneal Enzyme-Crystallin in the Rabbit.
R. Barry Hough and J. Piatigorsky. Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Biology, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD.

16. Genetic Linkage of Bietti Crystallin Corneoretinal Dystrophy to Chromosome 4q35.
Xiaodong Jiao1, June Lee1, Fumino Iwata, Mutsuko Hayakawa, Atsushi Kanai, Francis L. Muniere, Daniel F. Schorderet, Muh-Shy Chen, Muriel Kaiser-Kupfer1, J. Fielding Hejtmancik1. 1Ophthalmic Genetics Clinical Service Branch, NEI, Bethesda, MD.

17. The Use of a Bioptic in the Vision Rehabilitation of a Patient with Nystagmus.
A.J. LaReau, S. Alibhai, and R. Hertle. The Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD and Ocutech, Inc., Chapel Hill, NC.

18. Identification of CDK5 Activators in Non-Neuronal Cells.
Dolena R. Ledee and P.S. Zelenka. Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Biology, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD.

A scientist explains a poster presentation to visitors.

19. Protection of Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells (ARPE-19) from Oxidative Stress by HSP27 Heat Shock Protein.
Nataly Strunnikova, Laboratory of Immunology, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD.

20. The Role for CDK5 in Epithelial Cell Adhesion and Migration.
Sewite Negash, H.-S. Wang1, H.T. Guo, M.R. Haque, C.Y. Gao, and P.S. Zelenka. Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Biology, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD, 1Department of Anatomy, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, 112 Taiwan.

21. Allelic and Locus Heterogeneity in Autosomal Recessive Gelatinous Drop-Like Corneal Dystropy.
Z. Ren, P.-Y. Lin, G.K. Klintworth1, F. Munier2, D.F. Shorderet2, L. El Matri3, S. Basti4, M. Reddy5, M.I. Kaiser-Kupfer, J.F. Hejtmancik. Ophthalmic Genetics and Visual Functions Branch, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD, 1Departments of Pathology and Ophthalmology, Duke University, Durham, NC, 2Oculo-Genetic Unit, Lausanne University, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Institut Hedi Rais d'Ophtalmologie de Tunis, Tunisia, 4Division of Ophthalmology, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL, 5Drishti Eye Center, Huderabad, India.

22. Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase is Expressed in Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells and is Regulated by Retinoic Acid.
William Samuel, R.K. Kutty, G. Kutty, T. Duncan, B. Wiggert. Laboratory of Retinal Cell and Molecular Biology, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD.

23. 12(S)-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid Regulates Induction of c-fos mRNA by Enabling Activation of PKCalpha and PKCbeta in EGF-Stimulated Lens Epithelial Cells.
Ranjana K. Seth, M.S.R. Haque, J. Arora, and P.S. Zelenka. Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Biology, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD.

24. A Pilot Study Examining Gene Expression Patterns in Circulating Monocytes and Dermal Fibroblasts in Patients with Age-related Macular Degeneration.
Wesam Silk and Karl G. Csaky. Laboratory of Immunology, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD.

Drs. Michael Redmond and Ingal Gery discuss a poster presentation.

25. Immunopathogenesis of Conjunctival Histopathologic Alterations in Non-Sjogren's Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca.
Hongqing Q. Ye, Chi-Chao Chan, Janine A. Smith. Laboratory of Immnology, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD.

26. Human RPE Demonstrate Cell Death and Blebbing without Caspase Activation of Nuclear Fragmentation in Response to Apoptotic Stimuli.
C. Zhang, K.G. Csaky. Laboratory of Immunology, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD.

27. Th2 Lymphocytes Mediate Ocular Inflammation in Irradiated Recipients but not in Untreated Mice.
M.F. Zhang, S. J. Kim, B.P. Vistica, C.C. Chan, E.F. Wawrousek, I. Gery. Laboratory of Immunology, NEI, NIH, Bethesda, MD.


W. Gerald Robinson, Jr., Ph.D.
Chi-Chao Chan, M.D.
Graeme Wistow, Ph.D.
Eric Wawrousek, Ph.D.


Chair: Janine Smith, M.D.
Emily Chew, M.D.
Deborah Carper, Ph.D.
Edmond Fitzgibbon, M.D.
Gail Hollowell, Ph.D.
Martin Lizak, Ph.D.
Ignacio Rodriguez, Ph.D.

We would like to give special thanks to all those who helped with behind the scenes activities: set-up of the Cloisters, name tags, coordinating food delivery and clean-up!


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This page was last modified in October 2008

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