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Vallecito Dam

Vallecito Dam,Colorado (Click to Enlarge)



  • Region (Map) : .................. Upper Colorado
  • State (Map) ........................ Colorado
  • County ................................ LaPlata
  • Project: ................................ Pine River
  • Dam type: ........................... Earthfill
  • Location: ............................ 18 mi NE of Durango
  • Watercourse: ..................... Pine River
  • Reservoir: ........................... Vallecito
  • Construction Date: ........... 1938-1941
  • National ID Number ......... CO01695
  • Hydrologic Unit Code .....



  • Normal Water Surface Elev: ............... 7665.0 ft
  • Hydraulic Height: ................................   126.0 ft
  • Service Spillway Type:
  •    Uncontrolled  Crest   .................................. No
  •    Morning-Glory ...........................................  No
  •    Crest Length    ..................................... 111.0 ft
  •    Gated      ...................................................... Yes
  •    Capacity at Elev:  7665.0 ft,            30 ,000 cfs
  • Auxiliary Spillway ......................................... No
  •     Capacity at Elev.   ................................... 0 cfs
  • Outlet Works Capacity at
  •     Elevation   7665.0 ft.,  ....................... 3100 cfs


  • Drainage Area: ................................ 255.0 sq mi
  • Hydrometeorological Report(HMR)   HMR 49
  • Flood Type: .................................... Fall General
  • Storm Duration: ........................................ 72 hrs
  • Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) Report:
  •   Peak Inflow: ..................................... 76,000 cfs
  •   Inflow Volume: ........................ 305,000 acre-ft
  •   Flow Duration: .................................... 15 days
  •   PMF Routing MWS Elev.: ........................ NA
  •   Initial Routing Elev: ........................... 7600.0 ft
  •   Study Date: ............................. December 1984

Power Generation





Vallecito Dam is located on a terminal glacial moraine that extends across the valley floor and is up to 200 feet thick.   The moraine consists of poorly sorted clay, sand gravel and cobbles with localized pockets of loose sand in the vicinity of the river channel.  Red to gray micaceous siltstones, shales and sandstones of the Culer Formation (lower Permian) are exposed at both abutments.  A 3-foot thick limestone bed is exposed at the left abutment and dips to the northwest at 16 degrees; bedrock at the right abutment dips 2 to 7 degrees to the northwest.  The bedrock is highly fractured and subject to erosion.  There does not appear to be any unusual settlement of the dam embankment.



 | Recreation |

 | Dams Located by State | USBR Colorado Dams | Upper Colorado Region Dams |

 | Owner:  Bureau of Reclamation, Western Colorado Area Office,
                   PO Box 60340, Grand Junction, CO 81506-0340, (970) 248-0690

 | Operator:  Pine River Irrigation District,
                       13029 County Road 501, Bayfield, CO 81122, (970) 884-2558



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