Scalise: LA Congressional Delegation Urges White House for Major Disaster Declaration


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Metairie-- Congressman Steve Scalise today joined the entire Louisiana Congressional Delegation today in sending a letter to the White House requesting a Major Disaster declaration for Louisiana.

Governor Jindal recently sent a letter to President Bush requesting that heavily impacted Parishes be declared to receive assistance through the Individual Assistance program and to include debris removal assistance for all parishes in the state. The Individual Assistance program includes financial assistance, director housing assistance, and other needs assistance.

“After touring impacted areas today, it is apparent that we have a lot of work ahead of us,” Scalise said. “Our entire Congressional Delegation fully supports Gov. Jindal’s request urging President Bush to quickly issue the disaster declarations so we can expedite the rebuilding process.”

 Below is a copy of the text of the letter.

September 2, 2008


Honorable George W. Bush
The White House
Washington, D.C.

Mr. President:

We are writing in support of Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal’s request for a Major Disaster declaration.  Unfortunately, due to the magnitude of Hurricane Gustav, state and local governments are unable to fully respond without federal assistance.

As you are well aware, Louisiana was hit by Hurricane Gustav yesterday and many of the parishes in Louisiana continue to experience the impact of this storm.  The Governor declared a statewide state of emergency on August 27, 2008 and we appreciate your timely issuance of an Emergency Declaration for the State of Louisiana.  This partnership between the local, state and federal governments allowed for the safe evacuation of nearly two million Louisiana residents.  As a result of his preliminary assessments, the Governor has requested that several heavily impacted Parishes be declared to receive assistance through the Individual Assistance program, which includes financial assistance, director housing assistance, and other needs assistance.

Hurricane force winds, torrential rain and tidal surges were felt in numerous parishes across the state and strong winds continue in some parts of Louisiana.  Over 900,000 people are currently without power and the electrical grid suffered such major damage that some areas may take up to four weeks for service to be restored.  Widespread damage to homes across the state is also expected.   

Additionally, we support the Governor’s request to include debris removal assistance for all parishes in the state.  Hurricane Gustav produced massive amounts of debris that will need to be removed in order to allow for the safe return of our citizens to their homes and their jobs.

We urge you to quickly make the necessary disaster declarations so that residents of the affected areas can receive federal disaster assistance and begin their recovery.

Thank you for considering this urgent request.  Please feel free to contact us should you need any additional information.


Sen. Landrieu
Sen. Vitter
Rep. McCrery
Rep. Jefferson
Rep. Alexander
Rep. Boustany
Rep. Melancon
Rep. Scalise
Rep. Cazayoux


Contact: Luke Bolar

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