Scalise to Host Energy Town Hall Meeting


Friday, August 1, 2008

Washington, DC -- Congressman Steve Scalise today announced that he will be hosting an Energy Town Hall Meeting to discuss solutions to the nation’s energy crisis and take questions from constituents.

“People in Louisiana and across the country are still struggling to make ends meet because of high gas prices,” Scalise said. “I look forward to discussing solutions to our nation’s energy crisis, including exploration, conservation, and alternative sources of energy.”

Energy Town Hall Meeting
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
7 pm
Mandeville City Hall
3101 East Causeway Approach

 Scalise will be joined by a panel of experts at the Energy Town Hall Meeting. There will be representatives from the following agencies.

• Minerals Management Service
• Governor’s office of Coastal Affairs
• Strategic Petroleum Reserve

Scalise has introduced legislation in the House of Representatives called the Grow American Supply (GAS) Act, H.R. 6428. His bill would lift the drilling moratorium on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) as well as increase exploration of alternative sources of energy such as oil shale and tar sands. The bill will also increase the amount of revenue each state would get from offshore oil and gas activity.

In addition, Scalise’s bill will dedicate the billions of dollars in new federal revenues that would be generated by increased OCS drilling to paying down the national debt and shoring up the Social Security Trust Fund.

Scalise is also an original co-sponsor of the American Energy Act, H.R. 6566, which is an ‘all of the above’ approach. This bill encourages increased domestic production, development of alternative and renewable energy and the promotion of conservation.


Contact: Luke Bolar

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