Scalise, House Republicans Unveil Energy Plan, Real Solutions for American Families


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Washington, DC -- Congressman Steve Scalise along with other House Republicans held a press conference on the steps of the U.S. Capitol today to unveil a plan to deliver real energy solutions and lower gas prices for Americans facing pain at the pump.

 “Gas prices have increased more than 50 percent since Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats took control of Congress in 2006, and the Democratic leadership in Congress continues to block attempts to increase supply,” Scalise said. “While Louisianans are traveling this weekend to be with family and friends, we will all be paying higher prices due to the Pelosi Premium at the pump.”

 Scalise said he will support the plan to increase production of all forms of energy – while doing so in an environmentally friendly way. This plan will lower gas prices and increase the supply of American-made energy, improve energy efficiency, and encourage investment in groundbreaking research in advanced alternative and renewable energy technologies.

 Scalise said, “This plan will lower gas prices and reduce our dependence on foreign oil by increasing the supply of American-made energy. We can still pursue alternative sources of energy, but American families need a strong national energy policy today. While Speaker Pelosi and the liberals in Congress continue to block commonsense solutions, I will fight for a strong national energy policy that will provide lower gas prices for American families.”

Scalise serves on the Committee on Natural Resources and the Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources. Scalise also serves on the House Veterans Affairs Committee.

Scalise supports the plan that will:

• Increase the production of American-made energy in an environmentally-safe way.  This includes the exploration of next generation oil, natural gas, and coal and the production of advanced alternative fuels like cellulosic and clean coal-to-liquids – all while protecting our natural resources for future generations.

• Promote new, clean, and reliable sources of energy like advanced nuclear and next generation coal, while promoting clean power from renewable energy such as wind and hydroelectric power.  Nuclear energy has proven itself as a safe, carbon-free and environmentally friendly alternative, with France relying on it for nearly 80 percent of its electricity needs, compared to just 19 percent in America.

• Cut red tape and increase the supply of American-made fuel and energy.  Limiting the construction of new oil refineries and bureaucratic regulations mandating the use of exotic fuels have decreased supply and increased the Pelosi Premium.

• Encourage greater energy efficiency by offering conservation tax incentives to Americans who make their home, car, and business more energy efficient.


Contact: Luke Bolar

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