Scalise Signs on to Cosponsor Legislation

Bills include legislation to cut taxes, protect unborn life, and defend 2nd Amendment Rights

Friday, May 16, 2008

Washington, DC -- Congressman Steve Scalise (R-LA) announced the first series of bills he is cosponsoring that have been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives.

“I am committed to working hard in Congress to cut taxes, defend our 2nd amendment rights, and protect unborn life,” Scalise said. “These bills represent my conservative philosophy, as well as the principals of the people of the 1st Congressional District.”

The following is the summary of each bill that Scalise is cosponsoring.

1) Tax Increase Prevention Act – H.R. 2734

• Repeals the general termination date of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (i.e., December 31, 2010), thus making the tax reductions enacted by that Act permanent.
• Repeals the termination date for provisions of the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 reducing income tax rates on dividends and capital gains.
• Amends the Internal Revenue Code to make permanent: (1) the tax deduction for state and local sales taxes; (2) the tax deduction for tuition and related expenses; (3) the increased expensing allowance for small business assets and related provisions; and (4) the tax credit for increasing research activities.

2) Death Tax Repeal Permanency Act – H.R. 2380

• Makes the repeal of the estate and generation-skipping transfer taxes under the Economic Growth and Tax Reconciliation Act of 2001 permanent.
• As of now, those taxes would be reinstated after December 31, 2010).

3) Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Reform and Firearms Modernization Act (BATFE)– H.R. 4900.

• Makes it easier for lawful gun owners and dealers to comply with federal law and regulations, while ensuring that those who break the law are punished accordingly. It serves as a vital step toward modernizing and improving BATFE’s overall operations. It would also roll back unnecessary restrictions, correct errors, and codify longstanding congressional policies in the firearms arena.

4) District of Columbia Personal Protection Act (H.R. 1399)

• This legislation seeks to restore the Second Amendment rights to citizens living in the District of Columbia, which were taken away by the Firearms Control Regulations Act. The current gun restriction laws in the District of Columbia limit people's ability to defend themselves and their family, or to engage in recreational activities by restricting the rights of law-abiding citizens to carry firearms.

5)   Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act- H.R. 3442
• Ensures that women seeking an abortion are fully informed regarding the pain experienced by their unborn child.
• Requires an abortion provider to supply a woman, whenever she seeks an abortion past 20 weeks after fertilization, with specified information about the capacity of her unborn child to experience pain during the abortion.

6) Child Interstate Abortion Act – H.R. 1063

• Amends the federal criminal code to prohibit transporting a minor child across a state line to obtain an abortion (deems such transporting to be a de facto abridgment of the right of a parent under any law in the minor’s state of residence that requires parental involvement in the minor’s abortion decision). Makes an exception for an abortion necessary to safe the life of the minor.
• Makes it an affirmative defense to a prosecution or civil action under this Act that a defendant: (1) reasonably believed that before the minor obtained the abortion, the required parental consent or notification or judicial authorization took place; or (2) was presented with documentation showing that a court waived parental notification requirements or authorized the minor's abortion.
• Defines "abortion" as the termination of a pregnancy with an intention other than to increase the probability of a live birth, preserve the life or health of the child after live birth, and remove a dead unborn child who died as the result of a spontaneous abortion, accidental trauma, or a criminal assault on the pregnant female or her unborn child.
• Imposes a fine and/or prison term of up to one year on a physician who performs or induces an abortion on an out-of-state minor in violation of parental notification requirements. Requires such physician to give 24-hour actual or constructive notice to a parent of the minor seeking an abortion, subject to certain exceptions.


Contact: Luke Bolar

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