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GEIS for Uranium Milling Facilities
Alternatives To Be Evaluated
Environmental Impact Areas To Be Analyzed
Public Involvement in the GEIS Process

Alternatives To Be Evaluated in the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for Uranium Milling Facilities

In anticipation of receiving numerous license applications for in situ leach (ISL) uranium recovery facilities in 2008 through 2010, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is preparing a Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) for Uranium Milling Facilities. In doing so, the NRC staff will analyze potential environmental impacts that may be generically associated with ISL milling facilities. As a result, the GEIS will promote more efficient environmental reviews of individual license applications that may be received in the coming years.

In preparing the GEIS, the NRC staff will evaluate the following alternatives:

  • No action. Neither construct nor operate potential ISL uranium milling facilities. Under this alternative, the NRC would not approve future license applications. This alternative serves as a baseline for comparing the potential environmental impacts.

  • Proposed action. Construct, operate, and decommission an ISL uranium mill, and conduct ground water restoration. Implementation of the proposed action would require the issuance of an NRC license under the provisions of Title 10, Part 40, of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR Part 40), "Domestic Licensing of Source Material."

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Friday, November 21, 2008