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Rep. Calvert: Last Minute Push to Reauthorize Employment Verification Program Succeeds in the House

Rep. Calvert: Last Minute Push to Reauthorize Employment Verification Program Succeeds in the House


Dear Friends,


Every August Congress breaks for a month long recess. September is usually reserved for debate and votes on appropriation bills – legislation that funds the operation of the federal government and provides for our nation’s defense, care for veterans and homeland security. Other legislative issues generally get pushed to the back burner. However, it is imperative that Congress reauthorize the E-Verify program which is set to expire November 30, 2008.


            On March 12, 2008, I introduced H.R. 5596 to reauthorize E-Verify for ten years and I testified before three subcommittees on employment verification in the last two years. On June 24, 2008, I forced the issue by introducing an amendment to the Homeland Security Appropriations bill that would extend the authority for the E-Verify program. The action was unexpected because it is not customary to amend a funding bill with authorization language. Democrats voted against the amendment but it was a catalyst for the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, which has jurisdiction over E-Verify, to provide assurances, that the Committee would pass an extension and move it to the floor before the August Congressional recess. 


            After several weeks of negotiations and working with colleagues on both sides of the aisle, H.R. 6633 was introduced and was passed by the House on July 31, 2008. H.R. 6633 reauthorizes E-Verify for five years and requires a Government Accountability Office report on the effects of E-Verify on small businesses and a study of erroneous tentative non-confirmations. The bill also codifies an agreement between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Social Security Administration (SSA) to ensure that SSA receives funds to administer E-Verify.


            As the original author of the legislation that created E-Verify, I’ve monitored the progress of the program and am proud of its many successes.  E-Verify is 99.5% accurate and 94.2% of checks to the system receive an instant “green light” to work (businesses can sign up at www.dhs.gov/everify). A recent study by the Center on Immigration Studies shows that 1.3 million illegal immigrants have left the U.S. since the summer of 2007, mostly due to increased border and worksite enforcement (Christian Science Monitor, 7/31/08, Tide of Illegal Immigrants Now Being Reversed).


            It is imperative that the Senate act quickly and pass a reauthorization so a House and Senate conference can draft the final language before November. Too many employers, cities, counties and states rely on E-Verify – we cannot afford to let it lapse.


I know illegal immigration is an issue important to many of you and I appreciate your feedback. 





Member of Congress


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