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Rebecca Rudman 

WASHINGTON, DC.  February 6, 2008 – Today Congressman Ken Calvert (R-CA) urged the California Coastal Commission to set aside emotional and irrational arguments and allow the 241 Foothill-South Toll Road Extension project to proceed.  In a statement to be read at the hearing, Rep. Calvert states:


“Chairman Kruer and other Members of the Commission:


“The people gathered here today – both for and against this project – are here for one reason: quality of life.  People want to spend less time commuting and more time living.  Likewise, outdoor enthusiasts do not want to see the environment they enjoy paved over. Despite what may be said here today, completing the 241 Foothill-South Toll Road and preserving our environment are not mutually exclusive.


“However, it is the responsibility of the Commission to look at only the facts and cast aside impassioned, and often misinformed, arguments.


“It is incorrect to argue that the road would diminish the high quality wave breaks enjoyed by surfers.  Experts and geologists have closely analyzed the prospect of diminished surf breaks at Trestles and concluded that there is no evidence the project will have a negative effect.  The Commission’s own geologist agreed with this conclusion.


“In addition, a fact often ignored is that the land the park sits on is owned by the federal government.  In 1971, California and the Department of the Navy entered into a 50-year lease that allowed for the northern-most end of Camp Pendleton to be used as a state park. 


“In the lease, both parties signed and acknowledged the Navy’s right to grant current and future transportation easements, like that for the 241 project, on the leased property. 


“In summary, I urge the Commission to focus on the facts, see through the emotions that surround the project, and certify the Foothill South’s consistency determination.”


Congressman Calvert also submitted a letter to the Commission for the record (attached).




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