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Rep. Calvert: Speaker Pelosi is Running Out of Time
Rebecca Rudman 

Dear Friends,


Over the last several months, I have sent you a series of updates on what Congress is doing in Washington.  Unfortunately, the 110th Congress, led by Speaker Pelosi, has failed to pass several vital pieces of legislation important to the American people.


  • Only one of 12 FY2008 Appropriations bill has been signed into law - the Defense Appropriations bill - which I supported.  It is imperative that we pass the Veterans and Military Construction FY2008 Appropriations bill, however the remaining 10 bills are over-budget, must be scaled back and sent to the President for his signature. 


  • Iraq War Funding Supplemental – House Leadership continues to tie dangerous withdrawal language to the additional funding for war operations in Iraq just as positive results are being reported from the surge.  It is unconscionable that Democrats are holding up funding for our warfighters.  The withdrawal language should be a separate bill and fully debated in Congress.


  • The Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) Fix – Congress regularly provides a fix for the AMT problem that, without an adjustment this year, will trap 23 million households.  If Congress doesn’t act, it is estimated that individuals with an adjusted gross income of $75,000 or families with an adjusted gross income of $150,000 will experience an unnecessary tax increase.  The time has come to abolish the AMT.


  • A Plan for Energy – Gas prices are at record highs and family budgets are being squeezed by energy prices.  Unfortunately, the House and Senate leadership can’t agree on an energy plan.  Both plans by Democrats reject creating new energy, such as nuclear energy or natural gas, which are both clean and safe sources of energy.  Instead their plans, pressured by left-wing environmentalists, are filled with unrealistic expectations that alternative sources will be economical and available tomorrow.    


  • Health Insurance for Low-Income Children – The reauthorization of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) should have been easy and straightforward.  Unfortunately, the successful program was used as a vehicle to unnecessarily expand coverage to include adults and illegal immigrants.  Our kids need our help and Congress must pass a straight re-authorization of SCHIP without political gimmicks.


Instead of dealing with the pressing issues of the day, the Majority Party continues to pander to their leftist base with legislation such as the DREAM Act, which is a back-door amnesty for students. 


Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid are running out of time and the American people are running out of patience. 




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