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Rep. Calvert “In Iraq, Hope Is Not A Planning Option”
Rebecca Rudman 

Dear Friends,


            This week, the House debated and passed a supplemental appropriations bill for continued operations in Iraq.  The Majority Party again attached withdrawal language that is tantamount to a surrender date for our enemies.  Below is the statement I submitted for the record:


Mr. Speaker, I rise today in opposition to the Majority Party’s Iraq Supplemental appropriations bill.


It is baffling that at the precise moment when the surge in Iraq is producing positive results, the Majority Party would like to pull the rug out from underneath our troops.


Violence is down.  Sunnis in al Anbar have allied themselves with U.S. forces against al Qaeda.  Baghdad is regaining some sense of normalcy. 


By no means can we declare “victory” but our troops can rightfully claim progress.  Despite these positive developments, the Majority Party wants to withdraw our forces – as if the enemy won’t follow us home.


I ask my colleagues on the other side of the aisle: are they prepared to take responsibility for the disastrous consequences of an early withdrawal? 


Are they prepared to witness the chaos and destruction in Iraq? 


Most importantly, are they willing to pass this responsibility on to the next generation of Americans who may be forced finish the job we did not have the courage to complete?


My colleagues are right: we have made a significant financial and personal investment in Iraq.  Let us have the courage of our convictions to see it through.


I urge my colleagues to reject this bill and pass a clean supplemental bill that provides support to those who are fighting and dying.  We owe them that much.


            I understand that many of my constituents are tired of a war that seems to have no end date.  There is no doubt that various aspects of the war have been mismanaged and that the Iraq government has not done its part to move the country forward.


            However, the U.S. cannot leave prematurely with the hope that everything will work out for the best.  The odds that the country will disintegrate into a violent civil war, if we retreat now, are high and such a place would be extremely attractive to terrorists. 


            Like you, I want our troops home as soon as possible.  However, I do not want to bring them home only to return at some point in the future to finish a job that politicians did not have the will to complete.  This is the second time U.S. forces have been in Iraq.  Let’s get the job done right and ensure that it’s the last time.


I welcome your input as I understand this is an issue that is important to the constituents of the 44th Congressional District of California. 




Member of Congress

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