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Rep. Calvert “Take A Moment to Thank Our Veterans”
Rebecca Rudman 

Dear Friends,


            Every year our country pauses for a day to express our gratitude to the millions of veterans – both alive and deceased – who served in the United States military.  On Sunday, November 11th, I encourage you to think about the sacrifices of our fellow Americans, from the American Revolution to the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.


            In addition to the older faces of veterans from World War II, Korea and Vietnam are young faces of men and women who served in the current Global War on Terrorism.  Though their age difference may be great, their professionalism, dedication and courage remain the defining characteristics of the U.S. military.  I have visited wounded troops at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Bethesda Naval Hospital and attended the funerals of those who did not come home.  Today, young veterans enter into a sacred community of honorable service and bear with dignity the scars of loss.  I am personally grateful to all our veterans and military retirees for their sacrifice and service.  We at home owe them our respect and support.


            I had hoped that by Veterans’ Day, Congress would have presented President Bush the Fiscal Year 2008 Military Construction and Veteran’s Affairs Appropriations bill. The bi-partisan bill provides more than $37 billion for veterans programs, a $4.4 billion increase over last year.  The bill includes:


  • $600 million for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) care, traumatic brain injury research and care;
  • $4.1 billion to improve VA facilities, hospitals and clinics;
  • $2.9 billion for mental health care and substance abuse treatment for veterans; and
  • $480 million for prosthetic research to help wounded veterans retain a positive quality of life; and
  • Strongly supports active-duty members: The bill provides $21.4 billion for facilities needed to house and train military personnel abroad and at home.


            Unfortunately, Speaker Pelosi has attached the unrelated FY2008 Labor, Health and Human Services Appropriations bill, which is over the President’s requested budget, to the Veteran’s Appropriations bill.  The President has voiced his willingness to sign the stand alone Veterans’ Appropriations bill into law.  I sincerely hope Speaker Pelosi honors our veterans and sends the FY2008 Military Construction and Veterans’ Affairs Appropriations bill for signature.


            Again, I encourage you to thank a veteran for his or her service and remember those who are no longer with us, but whose sacrifices live on in the freedoms we enjoy.





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