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ESEA: Community Technology Centers - FY 2005

CFDA Number: 84.341 - Community Technology Centers

Program Goal: To provide disadvantaged residents of economically distressed urban and rural communities with increased access to information technology and related training.

Objective 1 of 1: Disadvantaged students within distressed communities receiving community technology centers grants will have greater access to services that helped them to improve their academic performance.
Indicator 1.1 of 2: Greater Access: Increasing numbers of disadvantaged students in high schools within distressed areas will have access to services that help them to improve their academic performance.
Measure 1.1.1 of 1: Number of disadvantaged students in high schools, within distressed areas, who have received instruction in reading and math and other academic support that helped them to improve their academic performance.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets

Source: Performance Report

Frequency: Annually.

Next Data Available: December 2006

Data Validated By: No Formal Verification.
Explanation: No data will be available for this indicator for FY 2005 because the focus of the CTC program changed with the funding of new projects on June 30, 2004.
Indicator 1.2 of 2: Increasing numbers of grantees will provide adult education.
Measure 1.2.1 of 1: Number of grantees providing adult education.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets

Source: Performance Report

Frequency: Annually.

Next Data Available: December 2006

Data Validated By: No Formal Verification.
Explanation: No data will be available for this indicator for FY 2005 because the focus of the CTC program changed with the funding of new projects on June 30, 2004.

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