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Fire Research Program
Fire Research Projects
Knowledge Capture Project
Collaborative Research

Knowledge Capture Project for the Fire Research Program

Through the Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) and experience from actual fire events in the United States and elsewhere, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) identified fire as a significant or even dominant contributor to nuclear power plant (NPP) risk, depending on design and operational conditions. Consequently, through the years, the NRC has undertaken many studies to better understand fire hazards, fire events, and fire risk in NPPs. These studies have yielded an extensive collection of regulations, guidance, communications, and other publications related to the agency's fire protection activities (see Related Information About Fire Protection).

To assemble these valuable resources in a single, easily accessible collection, the Fire Research Branch in the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research initiated an ongoing Knowledge Capture Project and developed the Fire Research and Regulation Knowledge Base, which is available on CD-ROM. This user-friendly database provides the user information needed during activities such as the inspection and review processes, and is divided into the following areas:

  • Regulatory Knowledge gives inspectors vital information needed during the inspection process.

  • Technical Knowledge includes technical publications that provide information on fire-related test, studies, and probability risk assessments.

The staff intends to update this CD-ROM on an annual basis to include the latest regulatory and technical information. For detail, see the related information sheet ADAMS icon or Contact Us to request a copy of the CD-ROM.

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Friday, January 16, 2009