Legislation and Issues

legislationThroughout his career  in public service, Congressman Sanford Bishop has defined his goal as: "seeking a higher, better quality of life for all citizens by promoting jobs and a stronger, more diversified economy; a better educated population; safe and secure communities, free of crime and drugs; a clean environment; affordable, accessible health care; and a strong national defense, all within the context of a balanced budget."

This site offers an account of how Congressman Bishop is working to make his vision a reality for the people of Georgia's Second Congressional District and offers links to legislation that he has sponsored and co-sponsored while serving in the U.S. House of Representatives.  If you would like to learn more or if you would like to voice your opinion about an important piece of legislation please contact me by phone or mail.

**We are currently experiencing difficulties receiving emails via our website. Please contact us by phone if you are in need of assistance - For legislative issues, contact the Washington office and for casework please contact the Albany office. Thank you for your patience as we correct this problem.**


Jobs and a Stronger, More Diversified Economy
A Better Educated Population
Safe and Secure Communities, Free of Crime and Drugs
A Clean Environment
Affordable, Accessible Health Care, 
A Strong Defense
Within The Context of a Balanced Budget

 Legislation Sponsored by Congressman Bishop

Click here to see all legislation sponsored by Congressman Bishop in the 110th Congress.

Click here  to see all legislation Sponsored by Congressman Bishop in the 109th Congress.
Click here  to see all legislation Sponsored by Congressman Bishop in the 108th Congress.
Click here  to see all legislation Sponsored by Congressman Bishop in the 107th Congress.
Click here  to see all legislation Sponsored by Congressman Bishop in the 106th Congress.
Click here  to see all legislation Sponsored by Congressman Bishop in the 105th Congress.
Click here   to see all legislation Sponsored by Congressman Bishop in the 104th Congress.
Click here  to see all legislation Sponsored by Congressman Bishop in the 103th Congress.

 Additional Legislative Resources

House Floor - A real-time description of activity occurring on the House Floor.
THOMAS - Library of Congress - Legislative Information System of the U.S. Congress
The House of Representatives 
The Senate 
The White House
House of Representatives Roll Call Votes 
Currently on the House Floor
This week on the House Floor
House Committee Hearing Schedules and Oversight Plans
Annual Congressional Calendar
The Legislative Process
Watch C-Span Live