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Legislation and Issues

A better educated population

issues_education “Students not only make up 40% of our population, they make up 100% of our future. By investing in our schools, in our teachers, in scholarship programs and after school education, we our investing in our future and I can not think of a more important investment.”–Congressman Sanford Bishop

Congressman Bishop has a track record of innovation and dedication when it comes to education in the Second Congressional District. Partnering with members on both sides of the aisle, Congressman Bishop voted for the historic No Child Left Behind initiative; however since its passage he has continued the fight to fully fund the bill and help teachers and educators meet its promise. Drawing on private sector innovation, Congressman Bishop recently secured funding to install and operate a high-tech communications network for parents and teachers in the Dougherty County School System, which if successful, he hopes to expand throughout southwest Georgia. As an ardent supporter of programs such as Head Start, Even Start and TRIO, Congressman Bishop continues to take on efforts to eliminate their funding as he searches for additional sources of revenue for education in his district.