U.S. Office of Personnel Mgt.

United States Office of Personnel Management

Operating Manual

Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions

Individual Occupational Requirements for

GS-1371:    Cartographic Technician Series

The text below is extracted verbatim from Section IV-B of the Operating Manual for Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions (p.IV-B-191), but contains minor edits to conform to web-page requirements.

Use these individual occupational requirements in conjunction with the "Group Coverage Qualification Standard for Technical and Medical Support Positions."

Specialized Experience (for positions at GS-4 and above): Experience in cartography or in a related field such as photogrammetry or geodesy, where the work required similar knowledge and skills.


Education and Training:
For GS-3: Successful completion of l year of study that included at least 6 semester hours in courses such as cartography, relevant mathematical and statistical sciences, or related sciences, e.g., physical geography or geodesy. Not more than 3 of the 6 semester hours should have been in mathematics or statistics.
For GS-4: Successful completion of 2 years of study that included at least 12 semester hours in any combination of courses such as those shown above for GS-3. Not more than 6 of the 12 semester hours should have been in mathematics or statistics.
For GS-5: Successful completion of a full 4-year course of study leading to a bachelor's degree that included at least 18 semester hours in courses such as those shown above for GS-3. Examples of acceptable courses include cartography, astronomy, geodesy, photogrammetry, oceanography, computer science, land surveying, geophysics, remote sensing, algebra, trigonometry, and calculus. Not more than 9 of the 18 semester hours should have been in mathematics or statistics.

Page created 22 March 1999