The 56th Presidential Inauguration and the Department of the Interior
The Department of the Interior is involved in planning and preparations for the 56th Presidential Inauguration on Tuesday, January 20, 2009. DOI employees in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area will be affected by the multi-day Inauguration ceremonies. As it will not be business as usual, these employees are being informed of events, activities and changes to normal working hours and routines and additional information is available at more
Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne, right, and Mexican Ambassador to the United States Arturo Sarukhan signed a declaration regarding cooperative measures to improve management of the Colorado River. Hi-Res
Secretary Kempthorne, Mexican Ambassador Sarukhan
Sign Declaration on Management of the Colorado River
Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne and Mexican Ambassador to the United
States Arturo Sarukhan signed a declaration praising joint efforts to
identify additional cooperative measures to improve management of the Colorado
River to meet the environmental, agricultural and urban needs of both countries
during a period of historic drought. The joint declaration, signed during a
ceremony at the Mexican Embassy, highlights cooperation between the two countries
in the past two years under the auspices of the International Boundary and
Water Commission to develop innovative approaches to better management of the
Colorado’s water. more En Español
Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne and Secretary of Agriculture Ed Schafer sign agreements for the purchase of 12 parcels of land in the West from a special land conservation fund. Hi-Res
Interior, Agriculture Secretaries
Announce Purchase
of Western Land
with High Conservation Values
Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne and Secretary of Agriculture Ed Schafer
announced that four Federal land-management agencies are in the process of
acquiring 12 pieces of property in seven Western states with $4.7 million from
a special land conservation fund. “The nearly $5 million to be used for
these land purchases will bring into public ownership 1,587 acres that have
extraordinary natural, scenic, recreational, or historical value,” said
Secretary Kempthorne. “Acquiring these parcels promotes conservation
while helping to ensure effective public lands management.” “This
unique joint effort enables the Federal land management agencies to work together
in conserving magnificent landscapes for the benefit of the American people
now and in the future,” said Secretary Schafer. “With this tool,
the best land and the best water are now part of our public treasures.” more
Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne is joined by James C. Rees, Executive Director of the Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens during announcement that the United States is nominating President George Washington's Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens in Virginia and the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument in Hawaii for inclusion on the World Heritage List. [Photo by Tami Heilemann, NBC] Hi-Res
Secretary Announces World Heritage Nominations
for Mount Vernon and Papahanaumokuakea
Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne announced that the United States is nominating President George Washington's Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens in Virginia and the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument in Hawaii for inclusion on the World Heritage List. Joining the Secretary for the formal announcement at the historic home of America's first President was James C. Rees, Executive Director of the Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens. "For the first time in 15 years, the United States is submitting nominations to the official list of the world's most significant natural and cultural sites," Kempthorne said. Mount Vernon and Papahanaumokuakea "will be in good company on the list with areas such as Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, the Statue of Liberty, the Galapagos islands of Ecuador, Australia's Great Barrier Reef, India's Taj Mahal and the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt," Kempthorne noted. "What these sites have in common is that they are significant as sites that are not only national icons in their respective countries, but global treasures symbolic to all humankind." more
Secretary Kempthorne Announces Settlement
of Cushman Hydroelectric Project Dispute
Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne announced the settlement of a variety of complex technical and procedural issues for the Cushman Hydroelectric Project in Tacoma, Washington. The issues have made this one of the longest-running relicensing proceedings in Federal Energy Regulatory Commission history. The settlement resolves a dispute that began more than 80 years ago and a FERC relicensing process characterized by more than 30 years of disagreement "Credit is due to a collaborative process from across the Department. Representatives from the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Park Service and the Office of the Solicitor contributed countless hours to achieve this goal, and I am proud of their efforts," Kempthorne said. Negotiations also included the Skokomish Indian Tribe, The City of Tacoma, the National Marine Fisheries Service, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Forest Service and the State of Washington's Department of Fish and Wildlife and Department of Ecology. more
U.S. Senator Ken Salazar, at left, joined Secretary Kempthorne
on Oct. 16, 2008, near Durango, Colorado at an event celebrating the Animas-La
Plata water project. [Photo by Tami Heilemann, DOI-NBC] Hi-Res
Secretary Kempthorne Applauds Nomination of Senator Salazar
Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne praised U.S.
Sen. Ken Salazar, President-Elect Barack Obama’s nominee for Secretary
of the Interior, saying the senator is an excellent selection to lead the 73,000-strong agency. "As a lifelong Westerner and rancher who has led Colorado’s
Department of Natural Resources and is a member of the Senate Energy Committee,
Senator Salazar already understands many of Interior’s diverse and complex
issues," Kempthorne said. "He recognizes the importance that America’s
federal lands must play in reducing our dependence on foreign energy; he supports
our national parks; he has positive relationships with American Indian tribes;
he understands the complexities of western water issues." more
Bureau of Land Management
Utah Oil and Gas Lease Sale
There has been controversy over the Bureau of Land Management's upcoming sale of oil and gas leases in Utah. The parcels to be sold on Dec.19, 2008, have been carefully screened for environmental impacts. The attached Myth Versus Reality fact sheet is aimed at clearing up some of the misconceptions and misinformation about the sale, which is being carried out by the BLM as part of its multiple-use management of the nation's public lands.
Versus RealIty
Bureau of Indian Affairs
A major oil and gas lease sale by BIA's Anadarko (Okla.) Agency, BLM and OST received 916 winning bids totaling $6.1 million. more 
Bureau of Reclamation
The Water for America Challenge Grant Program offers FY 09 grants for system optimization reviews that analyze system-wide efficiency with a view to improve the operations of water delivery systems, water districts, or water basins. more
National Park Service
A much-needed makeover of Yosemite's historic Tunnel View Overlook is the first completed project of the National Park Service Centennial Initiative. more
Bureau of Land Management
A plan to make more than 190 million acres of federal land in 12 western states available for development of geothermal energy resources could could increase electric generation capacity from geothermal resources tenfold. more
U.S. Geological Survey
USGS research has found genetic evidence for the movement of Asian forms of avian influenza
to Alaska by northern pintail ducks, suggesting wild migratory birds may be more important carriers
of avian influenza viruses from continent to continent than previously thought. more
Minerals Management Service
The sale of 76 billion cubic feet of natural gas
could generate $384 million in gross revenues
to be shared between U.S. and Wyoming.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Applying a newly developed, ecosystem-based approach to species conservation, the Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing to add 48 species found only on the island of Kauai to the federal endangered species list and designate critical habitat. more
Office of Surface Mining
Nearly 15,000 scientists, researchers, business leaders and government officials gathered for an international geographic information systems conference watched as OSM was recognized for its vision and leadership in using technology to make the Nation's coal mines safer for the public and to protect the environment. more

DOI Information on Avian Influenza

Visit Pandemic & Avian for all related federal information. en Español

Readers of People, Land & Water, the U.S. Department of the Interior's news magazine, will now be able to access the publication on the Web. more
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