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2001 Op Ed Archive

Protecting Social Security's Future

December 21, 2001, Social Security has improved the lives of millions of senior Americans since it paid out the first monthly benefit check to Ida May Fuller in 1940. Today, its reliable benefits lift out of poverty almost half of people over age 65.

Holidays Bring Cheer And Reflection

December 14, 2001, The holiday season is an enjoyable time to be with family and friends and reminisce about the past year. This year's holiday gatherings will feature the same traditions, but they will also take on a different perspective in light of what this nation has experienced recently.

Voting Reform Must Become A National Priority

December 10, 2001, Last year's presidential election revealed a serious flaw in our election process when as many as 4 million to 6 million presidential votes were lost either through unreliable voting machines or confusing procedures. Voter disfranchisement of this magnitude brings to light just how much this nation needs sweeping election reform measures.

Remember Those Who Protect Us From Harm

November 30,2001, We now have American troops on the ground in Afghanistan hunting down Osama bin Laden and members of the al Qaeda terrorist network. As these brave Americans are put in harm's way, we should remember to keep them in our prayers and thoughts.

Thanksgiving Takes On Greater Significance

November 16, 2001, When I sit down for Thanksgiving dinner Thursday, I will thank God for all the blessings I've received during the year. My biggest blessing came on March 21 with the birth of my daughter, Peyton. She has given my wife, Leslie, and me an expanded perspective on life. We are truly grateful Peyton has come into our lives.

Creating A Safe Zone For Kids Who Surf The Internet

November 9, 2001, As wonderful as technology can be, it can present unique problems for young people. An estimated 25 million children surf the Internet and are often exposed to pornographic and obscene material.

Meeting The Challenges That Lie Ahead

November 5, 2001, The tragic events of September 11 have forced us into a new reality, one that includes taking extra precautions in our day-to-day lives. The federal government is hard at work implementing policies and measures designed to counter any additional attacks against the United States and its citizens, including biological threats.

Anthrax Threat Deepens Congressional Resolve

October 26, 2001, Anthrax infections have produced understandable concern in some of us, just what terrorist organizations targeting the world's greatest beacon of democracy want. Congress, the United States Postal Service and major media outlets have borne the brunt of this latest attack.

Stopping Terrorism at Our Borders

October 19, 2001, Although it will be a massive undertaking, the ability to detect and stop terrorism before it reaches our shores requires an unprecedented tightening of this country's borders.

Heroes Among Us

October 12, 2001, Heroes come in all sizes. At no time has this been more evident than during the tragic events of September 11 and in the days that followed. Americans have displayed many acts of courage and compassion in this crisis, costing some their lives.

Making Sure Our Generosity Serves Those In Need

October 1, 2001, Americans are the most generous people in the world. In times of tragedy, like the September 11 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, all of us reach out to help our fellow citizens. Whether it's giving blood, contributing time or money to charity, or participating in rescue and relief efforts, we help those in need.

Faith Tested In Time Of National Tragedy

September 25, 2001, In trying to recover from the horror that gripped our nation on Tuesday, September 11, we begin to ask many questions.

Fighting Terrorism On Two Fronts

September 21, 2001, The evil that manifested itself on September 11 left a deep scar on the American landscape and sorrow in the hearts of all Americans. From all walks of life, we filled churches, temples and other places of worship to mourn the innocent victims and pray for their families in the aftermath of that unprovoked assault against humanity.

Americans Unite In War Against Terrorism

September 15, 2001, In a time of crisis, Americans, despite our differing opinions, understand the need to unite. That ability again has been demonstrated in the aftermath of the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.

Mother Nature Provides Upcoming Celestial Fireworks Show

August 3, 2001, Shooting stars, the subject of countless songs, poems and myths, have fascinated mankind throughout the ages. If shooting stars fascinate you as much as they do me, you're in luck. A celestial fireworks display should light up the night during the weekend of August 10-12 as the Persied meteors once again streak across the Middle Tennessee sky.

Con Artists Target Elderly For Personal Information

July 11, 2001, One of the latest scams targeting senior citizens involves the promise of additional federal benefits or slave reparations in exchange for sensitive private information. That kind of information is often used in identity theft, a growing problem in the United States.

Our Nation's Struggle For Independence

June 26, 2001, Facing the world's best army was no small feat for a loosely organized band of colonists who craved independence from a country and king who cared little about them except the taxes they paid.

Thanks For Your Support, Mom

May 4, 2001, One of the most powerful bonds on this Earth is the one between a mother and her child. A mother's unconditional love allows her to nurture a vulnerable infant into an adult capable of moving mountains.

Common Sense Should Prevail In Walking Horse Industry

March 30, 2001, Some of my fondest childhood memories are from the walking horse shows I attended with my parents. Those shows provide a sense of community and pride to the participants and the attendees. But more importantly, the horse shows are a major source of fund-raising for charities and other local interests. Many charities and local civic groups depend on the walking horse industry as their primary, and in some cases, only source to raise funds. Since coming to Congress, I have worked to sustain a healthy, viable walking horse industry.

Tennessee Farmers Deserve Our Gratitude

March 19, 2001, America's farmers are the most productive growers in the world, toiling from sunup to sundown to make sure we have food on the table. Sometimes we take them for granted. But this is National Agriculture Week (March 18-24), a perfect time to honor these hard-working men and women.

Electric Deregulation Should Proceed Cautiously

February 16, 2001, Once considered the nation's most regulated industry, electric power production and transmission has been evolving into a more competitive environment. A growing belief that the historic, natural monopolies have been overtaken by events and that market forces can and should replace some of the traditional economic regulatory structure has spurred this competition.

Preventing Teen Violence Through Better Communication

January 18, 2001, Helping teen-agers deal with anger and walk away from violence is the focus of a new hot line and Web site set up by the federal government. The Web site,, is run by the National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center and gives Americans a place to find information about youth violence, including suicide.

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