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The California State flag was adopted in 1911.
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Home > FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

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Search FAQs:

Q: How do I obtain a passport?
A: You can apply for a passport at any passport acceptance facility. These include many post offices and county and municipal offices. There is no need for you to travel to a passport agency, unless you have an urgent need for departure.
Application material you will need:
  • Application Form DSP-11 - These are available at the acceptance facility.
  • *Present Proof of U.S. Citizenship - This can include an original birth certificate if you were born in the United States, a Certificate of Birth Abroad, or a Certificate of Naturalization.
  • Two Photographs
  • Two Pieces of Identification
  • **Pay Appropriate Fees - $60 if 16 years or older, $40 if 15 years and younger.
Additional information is available from the State Department's Passport Section.
*If you do not have these original documents, you can still obtain a passport, but more information will be needed. Please contact my office if this applies to you.

**Passports usually take 25 business days, however, if you have an urgent need of departure, you can pay an extra $35 to have your passport expedited and have your passport within 3-5 business days.

These are considered general guidelines to obtain a U.S. Passport. If your particular problem or question was not addressed and you need additional assistance, please go to my casework section or contact my office.

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