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Government Affairs

Government Affairs & Advocacy

IPMA-HR is the leading voice of public sector human resources. The Association’s government affairs and advocacy program is designed to promote public sector employment and professionalism. IPMA-HR has a tradition of supporting legislation, regulations and judicial decisions that foster a strong public sector workforce.

Philosophy: To support laws that enhance public employment and assist public sector HR in accomplishing their goals. To oppose legislation that has a negative impact on public employment and public budgets.

IPMA-HR works directly with executive and Congressional staff to educate lawmakers about our positions. The association also maintains strong relationships with other public sector and human resources associations to advance the goals of IPMA-HR. Some organizations that IPMA-HR has cooperated with in coalitions include: the National League of Cities, the National Association of Counties, the National Public Employer Labor Relations Coalition and the International Municipal Lawyers Association.

Each time an issue arises, IPMA-HR staff in conjunction with the membership determines the appropriate position for the association. Many positions are long-standing. Below is a brief description of the policies and positions IPMA-HR has taken over the years. As new issues arise, they are discussed with the membership through the executive council and published on our web site and in our publications.

  • Support amendments to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) that would make the law easier to implement and restore the original meaning of “serious health condition.”
  • Support the creation of an effective worksite enforcement program as part of immigration reform.
  • Support changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) that clarify provisions related to the public sector.
  • Oppose the federalization of collective bargaining for state and local public safety officers.
  • Support changes to discrimination laws that encourage employment decisions based solely on merit and do not create additional avenues for litigation.
  • Support retirement security for employees.
  • Support the creation of a Public Service Academy.

The Washington Update provides a more comprehensive and up-to-date list of issues:

IPMA-HR members are invited to contact the government affairs staff to share their views and to obtain additional information. Staff can be reached at the main number: (703) 549-7100 and via email:

International Public Management Association for Human Resources
1617 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 549-7100 Fax: (703) 684-0948

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