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Michaud Announces National Emergency Grant Funding to Help Workers Affected by the Closure of San Antonio Shoe in Pittsfield PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, June 15 2008

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Congressman Mike Michaud announced the release of $317,300 in National Emergency Grant (NEG) funding to help workers affected by the closure of San Antonio Shoe in Pittsfield, Maine.

"National Emergency Grants are a vital lifeline to the people of Maine and the announcement that funding has been released is very welcome news," said Michaud.  "This funding will help provide additional assistance to Maine workers who have been impacted by job loss and need expedited assistance. It will assist workers in their return to meaningful and productive employment."

Services not covered under Trade Adjustment Assistance will be covered by the NEG funding, including assessment, counseling, case management, job search, job placement, and follow up services. Geographic areas covered under the NEG include Kennebec, Penobscot, Piscataquis, Somerset, and Waldo counties.

"I stand ready to help these laid off workers in anyway that I can.  Nationally, we must refocus our efforts and pass policies that are good for the American worker rather than ones that promote shipping industries and jobs overseas."

According to the Department of Labor, National Emergency Grants (NEG) are discretionary awards by the Secretary of Labor that temporarily expand service capacity at the State and local levels through time-limited funding assistance in response to significant dislocation events. Significant events are those that create a sudden need for assistance that cannot reasonably be expected to be accommodated within the ongoing operations of the formula-funded Dislocated Worker program, including the discretionary resources reserved at the State level.