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News Articles for 2007

JPL's Rose Parade float

December 27, 2007

Countdown to Launch of Jet Propulsion Lab Rose Parade Float

Volunteers from JPL are helping with the finishing touches on the Lab's Rose Parade float saluting 50 Years of Space Exploration.

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Saturn and happy holidays

December 25, 2007

Happy Holidays

Happy holidays, courtesy of the Cassini-Huygens Project Team studying Saturn.

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artist concept showing Titan flyby

December 22, 2007

Cassini Headed South on Titan

Cassini successfully completed its most recent Titan flyby on Dec. 20, 2007, and data are currently being analyzed.

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blown-out remains of a stellar explosion

December 20, 2007

10,000 Earths' Worth of Fresh Dust Found Near Star Explosion

Astronomers have at last found definitive evidence that the universe's first dust -- the celestial stuff that seeded future generations of stars and planets -- was forged in the explosions of massive stars.

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artist concept of Dawn

December 18, 2007

NASA's Dawn Spacecraft Begins Interplanetary Cruise Phase

NASA's Dawn spacecraft has begun the interplanetary cruise phase of its 8-year, 3-billion mile journey to asteroid Vesta and dwarf planet Ceres.

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December 18, 2007

Mars: Closest Approach 2007

Now playing online -- a new Martian movie showing the planet rotating. The movie was made from four images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Planetary Camera 2, built and designed by JPL.

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black hole jet at the center of a galaxy strikes the edge of another galaxy

December 17, 2007

Black Hole Fires at Neighboring Galaxy

A powerful jet from a supermassive black hole is blasting another galaxy, according to new results from NASA telescopes, including Spitzer.

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Nobel medal

December 17, 2007

NASA Climate Change 'Peacemakers' Aided Nobel Effort

NASA's Earth scientists watched with pride when the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and a United Nations panel that spent two decades assessing Earth's changing climate.

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artist concept of Epoxi

December 13, 2007

NASA Sends Spacecraft on Mission to Comet Hartley 2

NASA has approved the retargeting of the Epoxi mission for a flyby of comet Hartley 2 on Oct. 11, 2010.

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artist concept of Saturn's ring particles.

December 12, 2007

Saturn's Rings May be Old Timers

New observations by NASA's Cassini spacecraft indicate the rings of Saturn, once thought to have formed during the age of the dinosaurs, instead may have been created roughly 4.5 billion years ago, when the solar system was still under construction.

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CloudSat data showing precipitation

December 12, 2007

NASA Satellites Help Lift Cloud of Uncertainty on Climate Change

New findings from NASA's CloudSat and other Earth observing satellites offer important insights into this year's record reduction of Arctic sea ice, global rainfall patterns and the effects of pollution on clouds.

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artist concept of Saturn ring current

December 12, 2007

Cassini Captures Best View Yet of Saturn's Ring Current

Scientists have gotten their best "look" ever at the invisible ring of energetic ions trapped in Saturn’s giant magnetic field.

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artist concept of radio waves near the poles of Saturn

December 12, 2007

Planetary Scientists Close in on Saturn's Elusive Rotation

Deep below Saturn's cloud tops, the planet rotates at a constant speed. Determining this interior period of rotation has proven complicated, but thanks to new Cassini results, European scientists have taken an important step forward.

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model of Earth gravity

December 11, 2007

Amazing Grace Team Receives Prestigious Award

A mission that has changed the way we study Earth's gravitational forces has been recognized with a prestigious award for helping scientists better understand our home planet.

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Dark fans and bright fans on Mars.

December 11, 2007

Mars Orbiter Examines 'Lace' and 'Lizard Skin' Terrain

SAN FRANCISCO - Scrutiny by NASA's newest Mars orbiter is helping scientists learn the stories of some of the weirdest landscapes on Mars, as well as more familiar-looking parts of the Red Planet.

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Victoria Crater

Mars Rovers Near Five Years of Discovery

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Artist concept of Mars Science Lab

Rover Naming Contest

Contest details

Artist concept of crew members near lunar lander

To Go Where No Spacecraft Has Gone Before

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Category 5 hurricane Katrina

Study Links Severe Storm Increases, Global Warming

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Kepler spacecraft

Kepler Spacecraft Ready to Ship to Florida

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