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News Articles for 2005

view of comet Tempel 1 after collision with Deep Impact probe

December 27, 2005

The Year in Images: JPL 2005

JPL missions and instruments capture unique and beautiful images 365 days a year. The following photo essay and gallery offer a glimpse at just a few of these views.

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December 27, 2005

Cassini Caps Off Year With Titan Flyby

The Cassini spacecraft wrapped up this year's whirlwind tour of Saturn's many moons with a Titan rendezvous on Dec. 26.

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artist's concept of Stardust approaching Earth

December 21, 2005

NASA Prepares for Return of Interstellar Cargo

NASA's Stardust mission is nearing Earth after a 4.63 billion kilometer (2.88 billion mile) round-trip journey to return cometary and interstellar dust particles back to Earth.

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Grace data showing effect of the December 2004 great Sumatra earthquake on the Earth's gravity field

December 20, 2005

NASA's Grace Finds Greenland Melting Faster, 'Sees' Sumatra Quake

In the first direct, comprehensive mass survey of the entire Greenland ice sheet, scientists using data from the NASA/German Aerospace Center Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (Grace) have measured a significant decrease in the mass of the Greenland ice cap. Grace is a satellite mission that measures movement in Earth's mass.

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artist's concept illustrates a solar system that is a much younger version of our own

December 20, 2005

Partial Ingredients for DNA and Protein Found Around Star

NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has discovered some of life's most basic ingredients in the dust swirling around a young star.

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panoramic, infrared image of a plethora of stellar activity in the Milky Way's galactic plane

December 13, 2005

Spitzer Exposes Our Galaxy's Deepest Secrets

Astronomers used Spitzer's heat-seeking infrared eyes to gaze at the dust-drenched plane of our galaxy.

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graphic showing location of Mars

December 12, 2005

Bump Into Mars Tonight

Look for Mars in the night sky on December 12, 2005, and wish Opportunity a Happy One Martian Year Anniversary!

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Opportunity view of Erebus Crater

December 12, 2005

Opportunity Celebrates One Mars Year

Seemingly touched with a load of luck from the giddy-up, Opportunity has been galloping since she strutted off of her lander, some 670 sols ago. A mission planned for 90 days has turned into an adventure that's lasted nearly two Earth years!

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false-color view of Rhea (above) and Dione

December 6, 2005

Cassini's Photo Album From a Season of Icy Moons

Wrapping up a phenomenally successful year of observing Saturn's icy moons, the Cassini mission is releasing a flood of new views of the moons Enceladus, Dione, Rhea, Hyperion and Iapetus.

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greatly enhanced and colorized image of jets of Enceladus

December 6, 2005

NASA's Cassini Images Reveal Spectacular Evidence of an Active Moon

Jets of fine, icy particles streaming from Saturn's moon Enceladus were captured in recent images from NASA's Cassini spacecraft.

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Opportunity view of an outcrop called Olympia along the northwestern margin of Erebus crater

December 5, 2005

NASA's Mars Rovers Continue to Explore and Amaze

NASA's durable twin Mars rovers have successfully explored the surface of the mysterious red planet for a full Martian year (687 Earth days).

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Mountains of Creation

December 2, 2005

Learn About Spitzer and Its Cosmically Infrared World

NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope is bringing new light - infrared light - to the study of our dark and mysterious universe.

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upper image is a radargram from the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionospheric Sounding; the lower image shows the position of the ground track on a topographic map of the area

December 2, 2005

Mars Express Radar Instrument Reveals Martian Subsurface

A U.S.-Italian radar instrument aboard the European Space Agency's Mars Express has peered deep below the surface. Early results from the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionospheric Sounding reveal buried craters and reservoirs of ice. The top image shows radar data from the subsurface. The lower image shows the location on a topographic map of the area. (Dec. 2)

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upper image is a radargram from the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionospheric Sounding; the lower image shows the position of the ground track on a topographic map of the area

December 2, 2005

Mars Express Radar Instrument Reveals Martian Subsurface

A U.S.-Italian radar instrument aboard the European Space Agency's Mars Express has peered deep below the surface. Early results from the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionospheric Sounding reveal buried craters and reservoirs of ice. The top image shows radar data from the subsurface. The lower image shows the location on a topographic map of the area. (Dec. 2)
+ JPL's Mars Express site

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images recorded by Huygens as it landed on Titan

November 30, 2005

America and Europe Partner to Study Titan and Mars

Results from the collaborations between NASA and the European Space Agency on two missions were presented today at an European Space Agency briefing from Paris. The Cassini-Huygens spacecraft has pinpointed where a probe landed on the surface of Saturn's moon Titan (image above) and the Mars Express spacecraft has seen through surface layers on Mars.
+ Huygens landing site movie
+ Mars radar image
+ Mars release from Univ. of Iowa
+ Titan release from Univ. of Arizona
+ European Space Agency

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Victoria Crater

Mars Rovers Near Five Years of Discovery

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Artist concept of Mars Science Lab

Rover Naming Contest

Contest details

Artist concept of crew members near lunar lander

To Go Where No Spacecraft Has Gone Before

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Category 5 hurricane Katrina

Study Links Severe Storm Increases, Global Warming

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Kepler spacecraft

Kepler Spacecraft Ready to Ship to Florida

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